View Full Version : Automoblox....sizes

10-22-2009, 12:46 PM
Are the big ones proportionately more fun than the small ones? Never seen IRL but noticed some decent markdowns on Amazon on the little ones.

For instance, is it better to have one large car or like 3 small ones, ykwim?

10-22-2009, 12:56 PM
Melaine-- I am going to send you a PM. I hope to get a photo of the one I have posted on Amazon.

10-22-2009, 12:59 PM
Thanks! I know you said it was smaller than you expected right?

10-22-2009, 08:34 PM
We have 6 of the smaller ones, and Jack has so much fun interchanging the parts and making one long car.... with the cost of the big one, I don't think we could afford to have that many of the big one... know what I mean?

I would go with the smaller ones, for affordability.

10-22-2009, 08:43 PM
Thanks that definitely makes sense to me.

10-22-2009, 09:06 PM
We have both. I say skip the small ones. They are too small and not as well made IMO. I've never paid full price for the large ones and we have all of them. I got most during 50% off sales.

10-22-2009, 09:30 PM
My kids have 4 of the large ones...I don't think the small ones would get nearly the amount of playtime. Plus I don't think the minis have the little people that fit inside. Each person has a different shape on the bottom, so it's a little shape sorter to match up the correct pieces. The little people seem to get a lot of play and mixed up into various cars.

10-22-2009, 11:00 PM
We have 4 minis and 6 regular size. I take the minis when we travel but he definately love the regular size. That being said I would go with the 3 small v 1 regular just becasue you can do more interchanging with the 3.

The difference is that with the regular size there are people that come with the cars. The minis don't have people.

10-22-2009, 11:06 PM
We have two large ones (w/ people removed) and will probably get 1-2 more for Christmas. They're very well made. The minis are much smaller, but at the age of your girls, that's probably not a problem. Mind you, I've never seen them out of the box. We really pushed the age range for the larger ones but DS' fine motor skills are quite good and he's so into puzzles/blocks so I thought he'd enjoy them - which he has. Minus the tiny choking-hazard people which will be added back soon. We'll probably skip the minis but only because we've already started w/ the larger ones and we're trying to limit toys around here!

10-22-2009, 11:16 PM
If you had a choice between 3 little ones and 1 big one, I'd probably go with the 3 little ones just so that you can exchange parts and make them bigger. That said, the little ones are not nearly as well made. The rubber parts have already come off many of the wheels and one of the pegs that holds the wheels has become bent, and therefore unusable. If you can afford 2 or more big ones, I'd recommend getting the big ones. You can usually find some good sales on the big ones if you keep an eye out for them.

10-22-2009, 11:22 PM
We have 4 of the minis (given as gifts) and although they are recommended for ages 36months and up, really the only kids interested in them in my house for any length of time are the twins who are not yet 2yo. Cha Cha was given them when he was not quite 4yo and he played with them for a couple of hours and then lost interest. He built several cars, ran them on the floor and that was it for him. The twins, otoh, love them. I haven't seen the regular size cars IRL but if I were you, that's what I would get. Warning, the twins do love to take the colored, rubber wheels off and put the rubber in their mouths to chew which is kind of dangerous. The rubber comes off easily. I've had to remove the rubber from the tires so that they could continue playing with them which really prevents the cars from rolling, unfortunately. Just something to think about.

10-23-2009, 01:56 AM
My son also has a lot of the small ones and enjoys interchanging them. This is one toy I'd go for quantity so it just depends if you can buy a lot of the bigger ones, or not.

10-23-2009, 12:07 PM
We have both. A ton of the little ones (maybe 10) and two big ones. The big ones never get played with here. DS keeps the little ones in a little back pack and they are the BEST take places toy. They fit well in little hads and are fun to take apart and put together. DD likes them too. Just goes to show you ask 10 different people you'll get 10 different answers ;)