Other than Stove Top, I've never made stuffing. I bought the Brownberry stuff in a bag and am making the whole bag in the casserole dish style. It says it's gonna expand. I don't have anything large with a lid that can go in the oven (seriously). The bag of crouton thingies fills my casserole dish to the top. Questions:

1. If I pour the three cups of chicken broth, plus sauteed celery and onion, over that and do a tight aluminum foil top, will I be in trouble when it tries to expand?

2. If I don't want the crouton shapes and instead want it to be a smooth thing, should I mash the whole kit and kaboodle up before I bake it in the oven for the 30 minutes? Or after?

3. I'm making this tonight for tomorrow. Planning to heat it up in the oven on 250 or so before dinner tomorrow. Do I have to worry about it drying out? There won't be gravy, as we're having ham and no turkey.

I'm not a good cook. I make about eight or ten things well, and that's it (baking I'm better at). Tomorrow I'm making Xmas dinner for nine people. Trying to get it all out of the way tonight so that all I have to do tomorrow is turn on an oven and heat stuff up.