Thanks for all the reassurance. I am inclined to believe it is the foremilk/hindmilk explanation since I do only single sided feedings and they are typically only 15 minutes at a time which probably doesn't get my son to the hindmilk. So now I am doubling up on feedings on the same side and pumping the other side. While it is still green, it is more like very liquidy pea soup than the dark green it was initially and I started seeing seeds again, although not like before. this also happened to one of my friends who was exclusively breastfeeding and she said that especially for babies who are short nursers, your body will start to recognize the short feedings and will on its own adjust your milk supply so that it produces less foremilk and will start producing the hindmilk sooner during a feeding to compensate for the shorter feedings. Who knows. Nevertheless, you have all made me feel tons better.