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  1. #1
    Marissa Guest

    Default What about consistency?

    My 3 month old son's BMs are very liquidy, with hardly any solid matter. It's not diarrhea, and he looks and acts very healthy - is gaining weight too fast for me to keep track. Is it okay?

  2. #2
    mandye Guest

    Default RE: What about consistency?

    I can't compare your son to my daughter because she has pasty (like peanut butter) diapers, but I can tell you that my niece is 6 months old and her diapers are still pretty runny. They are kind of like mustard. I would think that if he is gaining weight and is acting healthy you shouldn't worry. If it really concerns you, call the ped and ask them.


  3. #3
    amp Guest

    Default RE: What about consistency?

    My son's poop can run from fairly solid to somewhat runny. As long as he's eating regularly and not showing any other symptoms, I wouldn't be too concerned. If you are still concerned about it, feel free to call you ped or speak to the nurse for reassurance on what is normal.

  4. #4
    christie699 Guest

    Default RE: What about consistency?

    My son's BM's were mostly runny the whole time I was breastfeeding. Once you add solids to the mix, they'll firm up. :) If you're really concerned, talk to your pediatrician - I did, and he said they were fine as long as the baby was gaining weight.

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