Does anyone else have a toddler that talks all the time? and I mean...ALL the time?

Angela will not stop talking from the time she gets up in the morning until the time she goes to bed at night. She has her moments of peace and quiet, ie watching tv on occasion, perhaps playing toys (where she is talking non stop just not to me) or bugging the cats.

Some times it really bothers me....I would like to hear myself think on occasion to try and keep myself sane. Today was a bad day and Im just going out of my mind! Especially since her new thing is not taking no for an answer...I will tell her no or please stop and she will start arguing with me...but mommy....and I will say no...but mommy...and she wont stop until she either gets her say in or I yell at her enough to stop which only makes matters worse because she will not quit or bring the subject up again later.

Im really getting frustrated with her arguing because it only seems to be getting worse...she has to have her say no matter what. Even when the conversation is over she will try and change my mind with an I know mommy we can...such and such ...that would be a good idea. At which point its like ok fine...whatever! Im really at the end of my rope here. The worse thing is and what really upsets me is that this is the exact behavior of her Bio mom...she has to have the last word, will argue to no end and she is always right no matter what. She has mental disabilities so now Im all parionid that Angela has inherited this trait and there is no turning back! Im sure this is the reason this is upsetting me so much because we dont want her to turn into another "beth" however is this a genetic thing that we should even be worried about?

I know that part of the problem is is that Angela is not a typical three year old....she is an adult trapped in a childs body and I know its hard for her at times. She is still a baby in emotions but intelegence because of all she has been through is much older. I have tried talking calmly with her, we do a lot of explaining of you understand and she repeats back etc...but nothing is working any more. Now Im parinoid to send her to school for her yelling at the teacher and talking back etc. We actually pulled her out of the original preschool to get her into a church preschool which works on making the kids "sweet" and nice teaching morals etc. So it gives me a little time at home to work with her but I just dont know what to do short of getting out the duct tape and taping her mouth closed....which I never would do as tempting as it may sound!

Any suggestions? Am I being parinoid for no reason? Is this a typical three year old thing? Help!