Both my boys started preschool this week. My older son is at a new preschool, which everyone in my area raves about.

DS seems to be enjoying himself totally. Today (his second day) I dropped him off at the front door and they walked him inside with no problem!

Me however, not so great. This school is much bigger than his old school, and so far it has been very stressful for me. How can preschool be stressful to an adult?? There are so many rules, and everything (on the parent's side) has to be done "just so". Today I was told at drop-off that his carseat was on the wrong side - of course I understand why they want it on the other side, so that he is not exiting onto the parking lot side, but it is just the way that things are communicated. We were given a parking lot direction diagram to study (and pass on to others who may pick up your child)!

Plus it is like Stepfordville, which is a curious thing for me. People are dressed to the 9's to drop off preschoolers - me in workout clothes. Parents line up outside their child's classroom to pick them up after school - me with younger son lying in the middle of the hallway because he doesn't want to stay still and wait. Catching a pattern here?

Oh well - just laughing at myself today because *I* am the one having trouble transitioning!