Hello Mommas!

One of my closest friends is the author of a new book on mothering. I am helping her out by putting this post on my favorite sites. I look forward to hearing your input!


Hello Moms!

We are the authors of a book called "Becoming a Mother Without Losing
Yourself" which will be available Spring 2007. Our mission is to help every
new mother have it all - a fulfilled, balanced life that reflects her own
personal values and priorities.

We want to hear what really worked for you as a new mother. Those first
three months when everything happens at once and you learn on your feet. We
are compiling a list of tips and tricks from the women who count - the women
who have found their own best way as a new mother.

We are looking for CONCRETE, SPECIFIC tips you either got from other moms or
figured out on your own. And also those tips that come straight from your
heart that you want a new mother to know.

Use paper plates and plastic ware so you don¹t have to do dishes.

Have a pad of paper to quickly jot down "baby memories" instead of waiting
till you have time to put in the official baby book.

Go ahead and get out of the house!

If anyone asks what they can do for you, go ahead and ask them for help.
Tell them you need something specific like picking up some diapers, or
bringing you a meal. You have now been thrust into focusing on the basics of

Don't beat yourself up when it all seems REALLY hard - it is a complex,
challenging new job with demanding hours and huge responsibilities - cut
yourself some slack!

So think back to your first weeks & months of learning to be a mother. Email
us your thoughts, tips and advice for the new mom. They will all end up in a
new e-book available later this summer.

Email to [email protected]. We would love your thoughts this week!

Thanks SO much!

Amy Kovarick & Joelle Jay

Oh, Baby! Motherhood

"helping women become mothers without losing themselves"