Hello. I have a one week old baby girl and am wondering how much milk I should be producing. She has the normal amount of wet diapers and bowel movements as listed in my breastfeeding books. However, I do supplement her with formula at least once a day because I'm afraid that I'm not giving her enough. What is the normal amount of breast milk production at this stage postpartum?

Last night I had stomach problems and today am only giving her formula because I'm afraid that I have a bug and that I'll transmit it to her. So, I've been pumping all day to maintain my supply. My mom and grandmother say, "Oh, you have so little milk." They are nice but I told them not to tell me that anymore because it makes me feel discouraged.

Also, I've been taking the More Milk Plus tincture by motherloveherbals and am wondering if this has caused my gastric distress. Has anyone experienced this?

Thanks for your input!