I have been divorced from my DD's dad for three years. Yesterday morning, my significant other and I were enjoying some time together before my daughter woke up. Since we hit trick-or-treating pretty hard and she went to bed late, I thought she'd sleep until at least 8 a.m. Around 7 a.m., while "compromised" I realized that I had neglected to completely close my bedroom door when my 5-year-old daughter opened the door.

I was mortified.

What do you do when your kindergartener walks in on you having sex? So far, I've taken the "lie and ignore" position. I told her I was giving a back rub. She looked up at me and said, "with your butt?!???" I don't think she bought it.

Has this happened to you? What did you do? How should I handle it? If it was me and her father, I would just explain that it is something that mommies and daddies do to show that they love each other. But my significant other is not her father. He is very much in her life, and since her father has moved to Iowa, he is the only father she knows.

I really thought we would have enough time to be together and for him to leave before she woke up. Guess that's what I get for thinking.....

I did go to the hardware store and stock up on skeleton keys (my house was built in 1940 and those are the only locks on the door). I'll be using them from now on, regardless of the amount of time I *think* I have