A summary of M'liss Steltzer's presentation at
the 2010 International Babywearing Conference. In summary: hypoxia and positional
asphyxia are potential concerns for full-term, healthy newborns in
properly installed carseats. These studies advise that carseats NOT be
used outside of the car as baby carriers and that
...travel for newborns and young babies be limited to an hour or less at a
time. More in the comments... via Babywearing Safety


This is safety-critical information put together by babywearing safety expert M'Liss Steltzer -- it's about car seats and the lowered oxygen levels they can and do cause in newborns. Pretty much everyone uses bucket carseats so PLEASE SHARE widely -- carseats should stay in the car and be used for travel only, because bucket seats are NOT safe baby... See More carriers. Hypoxia & Positional Asphyxia Risk in Carseats: http://www.thebabywearer.com/forum/s...k-in-Car-Seats

2009 study of healthy, full-term infants: http://pediatrics.aappublications.or...act/124/3/e396

2000 study including full-term infants: http://pediatrics.aappublications.or...ract/108/3/647 Because lowering of oxygen saturation values was seen uniformly in all newborn infants, car seats should be used only for travel, and travel should be minimized during the first months of life.

Quebec coroner warns that leaving babies to sleep in carseats increases their risk of suffocation, after a 2 month old boy died in his carseat. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/...article969948/