I just ordered pies that cotain:

* interesterified soybean oil
* fully hydrogenated cottonseed oil

What the heck is interesterified oil? And if partially hydrogenating stuff is bad, I'd imagine fully hydrogenating it is worse. Snark off, I'm truly wanting to know, what drives the decision to use hydrogenated oil instead of a whole ingredient. I once made a pie, it didn't go well, but I know it didn't have non-whole ingredients in it. Is it cost that drives this? Do pies just do better with these ingredients? Also, what's that first ingredient (I know I could google ... you guys are my primary google, I admit).

I should mention, this is not a mass quantity baker, she's got a tiny side business that makes these and other pies, they're not private labeled by someone else. They're freaking delicious. Like DELICIOUS. I ordered the pies cuz I want to support her.