My 17 month old DD has only walked independently a handful of times. But it seems when she walks that it is very difficult for her. She doesn't move her feet forward so much but out and over like if her knees were in a splint. I see other kids and they walk more effortlessly than her. She stands for long periods of time and cruises pretty well but is cautious and laid back. My MIL who is a nurse but has never worked with kids keeps telling me I need to take her to an Orthopeadic Pediatrician but I'm not so sure. I an not big into interventions etc and am not terribly concerned... but maybe I should be?? She took her first steps at 16.5 months and is now on the verge of 18 months and is still just taking 2-3 steps every 2-3 days. Any thoughts would be appreciated. In every other area she is on target or ahead in my opinion. Her speech is excellent, she communicates well. She laughs and sings etc. In contrast her brother was born 5 weeks premature and walked at 13.5 months.
Thanks for your input!