I cannot remember the last time that DD1 (3) woke up in a good mood. Well, she is initially happy when you come into her room but often, she finds something to be upset about before we even have a chance to take her out of her crib. I thought that maybe she was simply hungry so we bring milk into her room now (she has a hard time eating straight away in the morning) but we are still dealing with a crankpot. I mean, yesterday, she was in a foul mood (temper tantrums, crying, etc) for a good 2 hours before she started to turn the corner.

Her day looks like:

Wake up: between 6 and 6:30

Nap: 1:30 - 3/3:30. Nanny usually wakes her during the week, sometimes she wakes on her own. On the weekend she will sleep until 4/4:15. I tried to wake her starting at 3:30 yesterday but could not wake her up.

Bedtime: in crib at 8, asleep by 8:15/8:30

Any idea as to what's going on?