I recently found a solid wood 48 inch round pedestal table on Craigslist that has a self storing butterfly leaf under it, so it can expand to an oval. Since our dining room is very small, it is the perfect solution for us, so I am keeping it as a round table most of the time. I am just trying to figure out how I want to refinish it. It has an antique white finish on the bottom and a light wood top. I was thinking of staining it like this:


or just all over dark like this:


My floors are medium to dark stained like this:

The trim is white, and right now we have tuscan wall colors, sage green and gold with red accents in the room. But I'm thinking of going for the coastal look and redoing the walls in Benjamin Moore Palladian blue (which is a greenish/bluish/grey) which would go well with the dark top and white bottom. But I like the richer look of the tuscan colors and darker woods too. I can't decide!!!

So coastal dark and light, or all over dark? Edited to add, I don't mind a casual look but just want it to look nice! Also, I prefer timeless to trendy...