So DH and I went out last night, had some wine, and for the first time since DD2 was born had a unprotected night of "passion"....and it was day 14. I am not sure how I am feeling about this today! We are not trying for a 3rd, but it's been floating around my mind a little, although I am unsure if it's just nostalgia seeing my kids grow up or if I actually want to start over. Last night apparently starting over was fine, now I am a little freaked out!

Anyway, I got pregnant first try with DD2, she was truly a one shot wonder. I was 34. Now I have just turned 39 - how much difference does that make? It's a 4 yr difference ( I was almost 35 with DD2). Are my chances quite low? My greatest fear about having a third is that I am messing with a good thing - two healthy kids, healthy mother. I am scared of something going terribly wrong during delivery for some reason. I have big babies, especially for my size, I am 5'3 100 lbs and my kids were 7.13 and 8.11 with vacuum delivery on #1 and a bit of shoulder dystocia on #2.

Just trying to figure how excited/nervous I should be over the next two weeks! DD2 is screaming in timeout right now and I am more on the nervous side!