- Question about aspergers?
- Need input/advice from parents of children with special needs...
- Halloween and Autism....
- introduction
- Anyone travel for services for their kids?
- FSA coverage of PT/OT items used at home?
- Financial Planning
- How do you all handle those situations when you kid is doing their thing, and
- Moms of DC with anxiety issues.....advice please
- Resource links
- Need more BTDT advice
- Need ideas for holiday gift for OT
- Is this going to be my child? Picky Eater Adults
- Free ship code for specialty PT/OT products?
- ASD kids and holidays
- Fleece sheets at Costco
- gymbofriends
- Toddler on the Spectrum vs School Age
- Holiday school break - there goes the routine
- DS was denied life insurance
- advice on a developmental ped visit
- A little less than 12 hours away
- Clothes for kids with sensory issues?
- Read anything good lately?
- DS told me he was sad!
- Picture schedules: is it just me, or does anyone else
- Don't want to jinx myself, buuuut
- Sensory question: cross-sensory issues
- I'm not the mother I thought I'd be, but that's okay...
- Playdates...what is reasonable?
- Heather (HIU8) - how did it go at KKI?
- Feingold Diet
- Taking DD ice skating for first time today
- KKI Experience?
- NeuroNet
- Finding a psychiatrist for medication management
- General venting and looking for input
- Looking for advice on moving DS from small private to regular public
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Rare Disease Day - Feb 28, 2011 (X-Post)
- UPDATE: Decision Pretty Much Made..................School readiness question...LONG
- Good Children's Books About Autism?
- Did anyone hear or read the piece on NPR about ADHD and special diets?
- Update 2 in Post 19: Wandering/Elopement
- Does anyone know the main difference between ADHD and EFD?
- perseverative behavior
- Transitions
- Has anyone tried GFCF with no luck?
- keep her in k4 again?
- We survived dentist!!
- Opinions, aid or no aid
- ADHD--role of medication
- Any experiences with an educational eval?
- questions about suppliments
- Lying and ADHD
- Please help me with evenings with DS...He cannot function
- class type chosen!
- IEP v. 504
- It's another holiday...
- Anyone have issues with anxiety meds?
- Wilbarger Brushing Protocol feedback?
- Updated: Auditory Processing Disorder Testing
- Any experience with a behavior specialist?
- Am I Missing something?
- It's frustrating when friends just don't get it
- A child doesn't feel pain - teaching empathy?
- OT gym?
- ARe there some OT's out there who only focus on fine motor issues?
- Does your child or their classroom have an aid?
- talk to me about deep touch and joint articulation for sensory issues
- Piano and ADHD?
- Happy Post about a Quirky Kid
- What does your ESY (extended school year) look like?
- Educate me, please - new neighbor's son has autism
- Preparing SN kids for religious milestones
- How do you deal with FA in groups?
- What's working for you right now? What are you trying new?
- ADHD and tantrums
- Constant Eye Blinking---new behavior
- States with best Special Needs Programs
- Questions about supplements
- Has anyone attended a Wrightslaw Training Program?
- I keep bursting into tears today
- Overwhelmed
- Does your spouse understand your child's needs/issues as much as you do?
- Managing your kids and your ailing spouse
- Amazing Conference
- Responding to his name
- Kiddo with anxiety and migraine questions...Also testing???
- Stroller for tall kid with low tone
- Any thoughts on the Brain Balance program?
- Does your non-SN child mimic your SN child's behavior?
- Prozac for kids?
- need Advice
- My 8-yr-old may have mild aspergers--any recs for good links to read more about this?
- Interesting Dialogue about Advocacy
- Sticker Chart Disaster
- Plaase explain DAN
- anyone have experience with focalin xr?
- Fantstic visit with an Occupational Therapist today.
- Do you have a "special" car magnet?
- Action Alert: Changes to NCLB
- Recommendations for good noise-canceling headphones?
- Sensoryspot.com
- UPDATEif your child as taken focalin xr-how long before you saw results (pos or neg)?
- Face blindness (autism)
- AAC Device
- IEP for add/ADHD and or learning disabilities
- PDD-NOS... What should I know?
- Learning issues
- ADD and school expectations
- Does melatonin really work with kids?
- Trying everything before meds, when to do meds?
- Marbles
- Weighted Blanket restored sleep to our home!
- EI therapist WDYT/WWYD
- Update in #17 - Mainstreaming Difficulties (long)
- Starting meds this weekend
- Dysgraphia
- Please help me build a resource for parents - sensory processing
- Just had my DS's first IEP meeting.
- What do you like about your SLP, OT, PT?
- Question for those of you with DC on ADHD meds
- I want to cry. Having DS evaluated for Aspergers again.
- Baby Einstein: Baby Neptune totally random Q
- DD graduated from OT yesterday!
- Update in Post 10: IQ Testing
- Chores for young, impulsive kids?
- Who prescribes your child's ADHD meds?
- What sports/extra curriculars is your ADHD child doing?
- Social Thinking Curriculum
- Digital Waterproof watch...
- Video blog/poem: I stim therefore I am
- What a difference a year makes
- Online Computer Rehab Program
- Where do you start?
- An update on my DS
- My DD Has Just Been DX'd with ADHD
- Med woes
- I am meeting w/ Psych. D. for DS tomorrow
- Sigh.
- Summer childcare - Update in #11
- Public school services for 3-4 year old kids with Autism diagnoses
- How to deal with DS while waiting for a diagnosis
- Can I please vent and ask for advice (re: school)?
- Taking a medication break
- Bit of an update
- Wow - AAC devices
- Vent: She NEEDS to qualify for EI again.
- Brainetics?
- Social Communication Disorder
- Has anyone here used any type of music therapy with their child?
- Social Skills Group
- DS just qualified for services!
- So tomorrow's the day...
- Couples counseling and SN issues
- Question about different therapy options
- Anyone here familiar with Astronaut Training?
- Low iron, ADHD symptoms, and sleep problems
- Not a fan of autism awareness day
- Adding another diagnosis
- Target has compression shirts and shorts
- What does aba teach?
- Autism Awareness is Not Enough
- DS completed Psych. Testing
- First day on Concerta
- Touch Queue Diagram for Verbal Apraxia?
- high functioning Autism
- Therapeutic Listening
- Executive functioning impairments
- weighted vest
- An Anniversary and a Milestone
- Mother's Day Hints for Men
- help me strategize, please
- IEP/School questions
- Need some ideas to help DS get used to his shin guards
- help me work with DS
- "Time Timer" ?
- Next year's IEP is finally done!
- What is your strategy for waiting room time?
- Headphones/earplugs for classroom issues?
- yawning and not very active
- How do I do this?
- 1 step forward, 2 steps back- how common is it?
- Please share your experience with social skills classes
- Swim help
- Play dates with NT kids
- Update in #7-fired dd's therapist
- summer camp question
- Need some BTDT experience
- So many appointment and never any fun.
- What does your child with Sensory Integration issues eat?
- Suggestions for a timer that a smallish child can read?
- Conversing with DS
- Loss of a therapist
- We've been sick
- Inexperienced "therapist"
- Playdate
- Autism Treatments - Sharing Research
- We might be dealing with aspergers - looking for some resources
- xpost in Lounge- Need ideas for 1)a sensory bag and 2)a sensory table
- What do you share with the school?
- Does your child with Sensory Processing Disorder have trouble potting training?
- DS had a great 1st day in school!
- Can school insist on an IEP amendment midway through its duration?
- Autism resources
- Well, this is new- Asperger's Diagnosis
- Turn taking
- Organization help
- An article on just how far a child with autism can go
- Meds, Day 1
- Forum for ADHD Support
- Bookshare!
- New Autism diagnosis.
- Good insurance companies for autism spectrum treatment coverage?
- Share your favorite blogs, books, resources for autism & parenting
- Noise cancelling headphones to help with concentration?
- Ways to prepare my child with SPD for Kindergarten
- If your child wears weighted or compression clothes....
- Updated in OP: Experiences with sedated MRI?
- under armour for motor planning/sensory issues
- Psychiatrists Revise Mental-Disorder Categories
- Please come pick up your son
- Looking for pretend play toys "school"
- Do you tell friends and family about your child's special needs?
- School - WWYD?
- UPDATE IN OP They want to move my 2nd-grader to a self-contained classroom
- Any recommendations for Ipad or Kindle apps to improve reading comprehension?
- If you were building a new house, what would you do different for your child?
- OP Updated: weighted blanket night 1 (thanks Gina!)
- UPDATE-Can anyone help me figure out meds issues?
- when did you put your DC on meds?
- can we talk fish oil?
- Feeling overwhelmed by all the resources - how do you sort through it all?
- Suntheanine (l-theanine) supplement for attention and anxiety
- Textured sheets?
- What is/how to locate Target's compression clothing
- Hiring a shadow for help in school
- Wrightslaw's Top 10 Lists
- Anxiety & OCD
- IEP question: specific accomodations for autism?
- Update on school situation with DS
- verbal behavior mapping
- Andy Cutler's low dose chelation
- Does looking at the "pattern of strengths and weaknesses" apply here?
- Parenting and other help with ADHD (likely dx) with poor impulse control
- XP with Bargains: Compression clothing sale
- How specific is your child's IEP?
- Wonderful new book about Autism Spectrum Disorder
- If it's relevant: Does your child know they have autism?