View Full Version : Preschool/Education/Classes

  1. Kindermusik and Gymboree classes
  2. Muzzy/BBC home language courses for children?
  3. Am I doing something wrong???
  4. my gym
  5. Music/Gym Classes in San Diego - Recommendations?
  6. Kindermusik
  7. Preschool thoughts? Must haves or must nots?
  8. montessori education
  9. What classes are fun?
  10. Suzuki violin method
  11. Gymboree Art Classes??
  12. Gymboree Play & Music Classes - What was your experience?
  13. Trouble selecting a preschool - does anyone have any experience with Teddyb...
  14. Anyone have thoughts about Montessori Preschools?
  15. Anyone homeschool or thinking about it?
  16. Private non-profit K-8 in Danvers, MA hosting open houses
  17. Mommy/me etc. classes for 6month old in Scottsdale, Arizona?
  18. What goes on during your Gym class?
  19. We did it! First day of class!
  20. Noggin--it's preschool on TV!
  21. good books on toddler development?
  22. Do you send your DD/DS to preschool with a sippy?
  23. When did your child start attending preschool programs?
  24. How do you label your child's things.
  25. Question About Bright Horizons Run Childcare Centers
  26. Kindermusik vs. We Joy Sing
  27. Are classes worth it for clingy toddler?
  28. Anyone involved with a co-op preschool?
  29. Bag for DD to take to her "2-day 2's" nursery school
  30. Soft soled sneakers or slippers?
  31. Trying to decide on preschool type, can anyone help with +/-
  32. HELP!!! Parent of pre-schoolers - what do you like/dislike about the program? Need halep deciding!
  33. Preschool snack ideas
  34. Planning Ahead for 2's Program
  35. help with Scottsdale prechools.
  36. Ask the Teacher blog
  37. PRESCHOOL for NEXT year
  38. Thoughts or experiences on elementary school language immersion programs?
  39. Montessori?
  40. Starting dd in daycare in January... help
  41. Decent School Districts in Tri-State (NJ/NY/CT) Areas
  42. Anybody homeschool for preschool?
  43. Help me write a letter to DS' daycare?
  44. Preschooler Lunch Ideas
  45. How much does preschool interupt your day?
  46. Looking for input on preschool vs. in-home daycare...
  47. Kindercare vs. Goddard School?
  48. Pre-school Dilemma: Do you socialize with other preschool families?
  49. Preschool vent...
  50. Gymnastics class for toddler- Little Gym vs a "real" gym
  51. Homeschooling Curriculum for pre-school?
  52. Anyone using a non-religious homeschool preschool curriculum?
  53. General feeling on tracing letters for preschoolers?
  54. Pre-K Activity Book
  55. How the heck do you decide about preschool???
  56. preschool??? what to look for?
  57. Finished the Bobs Books. Now what?
  58. Tips for competitive preschool admissions?
  59. Is Creme de la Creme worth the price for infants?
  60. Anyone's DC signed up for Tae Kwon Do?
  61. Dance school refuses refund
  62. How to choose a daycare/preschool
  63. What to look for in a preschool?
  64. Books on selecting schools
  65. Positive disciplining books
  66. Put DS back in home daycare?
  67. Nursery School Question
  68. spinoff: Montessori
  69. how do you now or plan on schooling?
  70. What can you tell me about the Jean Piaget approach to schooling?
  71. Grading public schools--what’s your criteria?
  72. Question for those that have been pre-school Room Moms/Dads
  73. Speech and language screening at preschool
  74. kindergarten readiness
  75. Any tips in choosing a Coop Preschool?
  76. where to find best deals on stephen joseph backpacks?
  77. How the heck do I find a good preschool?
  78. Gift Ideas for Preschool Teachers
  79. Where Do You Look For School Info? X-Post
  80. Gymboree Classes
  81. Does anyone know where a good discussion of PreK vs Kindergarten is
  82. kumon?
  83. Looking for educational software for 2-4 yo
  84. uniforms! help!
  85. Can't recognize numbers!!!
  86. EncouraGYM/Kindermusik
  87. deciding between nanny/preschool/Montessori
  88. primrose vs rockbrook montessori vs creme de la crem
  89. Zoo phonics
  90. Mom's Morning Out program - Too $$$?
  91. Learning
  92. What activities are your kids signed up for this Fall?
  93. Would a daycare like this make you a little nervous? Even though it sounds fun?
  94. Preschool- Coop vs Traditional (Long)
  95. Any Kindergarten teachers out there?
  96. 1st grade math - what should I be asking?
  97. Any forums for NYC moms to vent re: Kindergarten application process?
  98. Anyone not send their toddler to preschool?
  99. Academic Preschool? Such a thing? What types of schools would offer this? (not NYC
  100. Problems in preschool...any advice appreciated
  101. First time pre school mom!
  102. toilet training
  103. Fievel's desert ordeal
  104. Fievel's desert ordeal