View Full Version : Adoption
- Adopting "older" infant -- what gear will I need? Help!
- Introduction
- Intro/our story--domestic, open adoption
- Agency info
- Wondering about the costs of adoption US and Int'l
- China's Dec02/Jan03 referrals coming?
- Dec/Jan referrals have been mailed!
- FYI Adoption Christmas Ornaments
- Adopting in 5 weeks
- Independent adoption
- We have a BOY!
- Keeping Bio family as much is too much?
- Neve, any news?!?
- WSJ Article on International Adoption
- Gift for Birthmother and Birthfather
- Any breastfeeding (or plan to) adoptive mamas here?
- New China rumor... FOUND OUT IT'S NOT TRUE
- We are leaning towards adopting from the Ukraine...just want to share
- where to register?
- FYI-Interesting article about the change in American families..
- Riding the rollercoaster...
- adopting from china
- Referrals are coming!
- Any Ukraine news, Melissa and Neve?
- @--->------ Kimberly & Robert Hill Referral ------<---@
- Sub-Sahara Africa Adoptions
- Sharon, any news?!?!?!?!?
- Thanks and an update on Mia
- Today is Mia's first birthday
- Well we finally have a travel date for our son
- FYI--in case anyone is interested in getting a flag flown over the Capitol
- Any China adoption updates?
- I will be updating my Ukraine web site/research thread
- Travel approvals are in!!
- Need your input!
- Adoption Announcements
- Updated photos and stats for Mia!
- Thanks for the thoughts & prayers - they worked!
- A great thing just happened
- A list of Employers that offer adoption benefits!!!!
- Neve & others who've research Ukraine adoptions...
- We have an itinerary! - Mia is ours on Mon 1/12
- Talk to your accountants-10,000 tax credit per child
- I wish I had read this prior to my decision to adopt
- Gosh I am bummed...
- Gift suggestion for my niece please!
- We have travel approval!
- Steve's job starts adoption benefits right a way!!!
- A Big Hooray for Adoptive Parents and . . .
- Kim and Holly
- China or bust!
- Where are the other threads?! Need your help PLEASE.
- Greetings from Hefei, Anhui, China!!
- It's Mia Day!
- She's OURS!!
- Photos!
- More photos
- Need help with bfamily!!
- Question for Neve...m-
- More from China
- Friday's journal
- A fantastic adoption story-IN PROGRESS-IN UKRAINE NOW!!!
- A book on Open Adoption folks might be interested in
- visit to the orphanage?
- Recent adoption books that you like?
- We're home and safe! - NEW PHOTOS
- China adoptions...which agency and did you like them
- So stressed out!!
- Mia's doctor appt
- Leaving tomorrow
- Discrimination by Enfamil???
- Anyone familiar with La Vida International???Cambodia adoptions???
- Has anyone read Adoption After Infertilty?
- Referral! It's a Boy!!!
- Welcome Home, Holly and Jamie!
- Hard to believe but our second post placement visit is done
- Adoption journal in progress-UKRAINE
- How hard are adoptions from India or Guatemala...
- Russian Adoption? (and intro)
- pictures of Jamie
- How did you get started?
- ? for Kim on cert. of citizenship
- FYI--the USCIS has proposed an increase to certain fees
- Parenting book for multiracial families
- Accepted our referral!!!
- Who's next?!?
- Adopting a baby between 6-12 months -- not sure what all we need!
- Another friend's adoption journal in UKRAINE
- Tapestry Books and "Adoptive Families" magazine
- Found Russia Return Address Labels for Adoption Announcements!
- Sending adoption books turned out great!
- Adoptive mommies, how are you passing the time?
- USIC fees going up (international adoption related)
- need gift for mom/adopted 15 mo girl from Guatemala
- New photos and medical update!
- Am I the only one offended by 20/20's show on "eliminating" couples
- We finally have the last document we need to file Luke's paperwork
- we have several NC parents in this forum I notice:)
- on pins and needles
- Another Ukraine adoption journal happing right now-just arrived
- a company that helps w/passports and gives adoption discount
- A new ChinaBaby in my area!
- Hello! Getting ready to adopt from Colombia!
- Ukraine...again...Neve?
- Why a name change?
- Ukraine journal -adopting "older" children
- Need gift opinions for a friend who is adopting a 2 year old girl
- Bottle suggestions for transition from Russian orphanage...
- Where do I start?
- Finally figured it out
- A Ukraine journal for those interested:traveling tomorrow
- Adoption article and links in Parents Magazine
- 3 updated pictures of my cutie
- Book or Website Recommendations
- IT'S A BOY!!!!!
- We are visiting next week!
- International Adoption Baby Story on right now (3 pm PDT)
- NAN AR formula
- update: our adoption travel blog
- Nice surprise--Luke's foster family send him a gift
- JOURNAL LOVERS: This is my "best adoption buddy"
- National Geo special "China's Lost Girls"
- OT sort of - feeling out of sorts
- few pics posted!
- Adoption costs
- Adoption blogs
- adoption tee shirts
- Could we do an update on everyone???
- Ukraine journal leaving July 2nd appt on the 5th I think
- Indiana moms and moms to be
- Hoping to adopt...a few questions
- What to do while waiting
- Sensitive questions regarding home study
- What to bring with you when child you are adopting is born...
- New journal seeking sibling-got referral today
- My DH's adoption questions
- What to bring - picking up my son in Guatemala
- Note for Catherine & a bit of a brag
- Here's a journal in process-I waited to post it
- Yesterday we got THE CALL!!
- one step closer!
- Another Journal- fun couple NAC appt while we slept last nite
- Questions for those that adopted an infant or are adopting an infant from Guatemala?
- Domestic adoption within the US.. where to start???
- Jubilee--Julie--I just PM'd you regarding an adoption options class in Portland
- Travel Approval is here
- want info on China adoption
- Did anyone get their FBI fingerprints rejected
- Ughhh - LONG journal court not waived in country 9 weeks
- Saving a child- question
- Adoption countdown counter
- For Neve
- Kalebsmama - How are things going?
- Blog/journal info
- Couple in Ukraine having homestudy problem- can you help?
- Referral!
- Here is a FANTASTIC journal to read
- Adoption journals
- Private Domestic Adoption - helping a friend
- Russian adoption article in September's Parent Magazine
- For anyone traveling abroad- new govt web site
- Welcome home gift?
- update on us
- Anti-adoption Groups
- Disappointing news for a couple in the Ukraine
- Help for clueless travel/stay domestically
- I saw this on the news,,,summer program
- we might lose lily
- It's Official!
- We're home--with our baby boy!
- I enjoyed this thread on FRUA-
- LINK to tons and tons and tons of adoption "niches"
- we lost Lily
- First-time Poster Adoption Story
- Here's a new Ukraine journal from my group- appt today
- OK, so just starting down this adoption trail....
- Going to China!
- Holli/Toddler adoption
- I'm feeling so blessed today
- Neve, how is the adoption journey now?
- Journal lovers-this is a good one (COMPLETED)-ukraine
- Holli - biting my nails for you!
- Could someone refresh my memory please...
- Debbie - Know anything yet?
- Agency ethics
- Holli - We have the same name!
- man, it's easy to forget all the paperwork steps!
- Some good reliable adoption links?
- OMG - Holli - Congrats/I'm sorry
- Anyone feel like renaming it "Waiting" instead of "Adopting"?--long
- Fantastic SIBLING (3) journal in Ukriane-completing now
- Adoption story in The Boston Globe Magazine today (China)
- Emmiem - are you back from China?
- A "special needs" journal (in progress)-family seeking special needs girl
- Anyone in an open adoption situation?
- If you find this offensive please consider writing or calling
- A journal of one of my adoption "cyber" best friends-
- A wonderful wonderful wonderful update on family who adopted 4
- Happy Adoption Month!
- Taiwan Adoption
- "Adoption Story" mini-movie at
- hi everyone..
- We had our day in court . . .
- Want to do an adoption Blog but don't have time?
- Well we have our application to start for our second child
- So...what do you think of the Angelina Jolie headlines?
- One year ago today...
- Neve...
- Bursting at the seams and wanted to share with all of you since I know you would understand
- Neve's Adoption Blog
- leaving for guatemala tomorrow
- GONE adoption books - free - mostly China related
- Can you believe this?!
- Anybody heard of pre-adoption counseling?
- International vs. Domestic Adoption
- Adoption as first choice and dealing with family resistance
- Advice on what to register for when adopting a 1 year old?
- Tips for adoptive parents
- Did you get paid 'maternity leave' when you adopted?
- Domestic Adoption - How long does birth mom have to change her mind?
- Can we do another update on everyone?
- Request for recommendations for books, resources, etc.
- Formula Question
- Car Seats for Intl Flight
- Homestudy Payment
- Today is 1 year!
- deleted
- Medical Kit
- I can't believe we have to drive to Char. to get our fingerprints done
- Any good places to see what's needed for a 6-12 month old?
- Adopting and will be in a hotel for 2 weeks with a newborn - what to bring?
- at the risk of jinxing myself...
- How did you start your journey?
- Need ideas for donation
- Country-specific sites?
- Is there such a thing as indipendent international adoption?
- New here...domestic adoptions anyone?
- Do you carry your child's documentation when you travel?
- I saw the prettiest baby today....guess who it was???
- Wonderful news an agreement reached in Vietnam
- Gripe about Hallmark card. . .
- shower ideas?
- Ukraine is putting a hold on adoptions
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