View Full Version : Kid Food
- Where to buy 2nd hand Breast Pumps
- Dieting and Breastfeeding
- Any advice on Breastfeeding ??
- Medela Pump in Style w/Avent bottles
- Homemade baby food books?
- when do baby's start on solids
- Will the Medela Pump In Style Breast Pump work with Avent Bottles?
- Breakdown of the Basics of Bottle Feeding
- Advice from the Nutritionist (and update)
- finger foods
- General anesthesia - kept breastfeeding! - long
- Soy Formula
- starting food
- Baby Food
- Breastfeeding
- immature gut the Dr. says
- 9-11 month old eating schedules
- Coliky baby
- Baby refuses to latch!!
- Lazy eater? HELP
- Refuses the bottle...
- Failure to thrive (long)
- How much formula to offer?
- Purely yours
- Help-Need Slow Flow Nipple
- YoBaby - How long outside the fridge?
- Rachel (Rachels) - question for you about Abigail and nutrition...
- Medela pump to Avent bottle converter...
- 6 mo going 6-8 hrs w/out eating during day
- Tuna and Mercury
- Baby only eating 1/2 ounce frequently throughout night
- We've lasted 6 weeks of pumping/nursing....but worried
- Help-2 1/2 month old REFUSES to take bottle
- Similac Alimentum 24.99 on net
- baby is spitting up alot!
- frequent nurser
- Nursing at keyboard (nakking)
- Starting solid foods at 4 months?
- Supply Issues at 9 months
- Questions on transitioning from bottle to cup....
- Having a hard time with this whole "solids" thing
- Switching to cow milk question
- Food allergies
- Need advice on introducing bottle
- A question about eggs
- Question about potatoes...
- when you eat at places like subway, what do you feed the kiddos?
- Anyone find Similac Advance Singles in their stores?
- tomato sauce
- Sydney still is having gas with the lactose free formula
- Is her gas pain related to my dairy consumption?
- Qs for those who unfortunately have mastitis/plug experience
- So Sara LOVES quiche
- LOADS of toddler food questions!
- Enough liquids at 9.5 months
- What does your baby keep down when her tummy is upset?
- Infant Cereals: How long and how often?
- If baby doesn't finish bottle do u offer it again later ?
- I find this feeding product bizarre and disturbing - on Oprah
- YOWZA - booby biting baby!!!!
- Well, first try at yogurt was a DISASTER - what to feed a no-dairy toddler?
- Lumpy Frozen Breast Milk
- Web sites for healthy recipes (like whole wheat pancakes)?
- need a little support...bad day :(
- Question for Veggie Moms
- Help! Is it possible to nurse twins?
- she learned to drink from a straw cup in one day!
- I hate the stupid "splat mat"- is there something better?
- Stomach Bug
- What to do with freebie formula?
- Anyone know if Differin is safe while nursing (or has used it)?
- What is your feeding schedule?
- For those who did the "4 day wait rule" with solids...
- Anyone know when baby can have buttermilk?
- DS refusing to sit in high chair!!!Help!
- DS refusing to sit in high chair!!!Help!
- Bottle weaning?
- Anyone using the new playtex "breast milk storage kit"?
- How many of you Bfing moms take your prenatal vitamins everyday??
- Soup?
- "extended nursing" and pumping...
- Daily Food schedule for 9 month old
- Understand all his cues except..
- The Joys of New Foods
- Are there whole wheat pancake mixes that aren't scary?
- pumping moms - question
- Tofu Question
- DD starting to hate her favourite foods...
- So juice is bad?
- advice for breastfeeding on the go
- For a one year old, do you scatter food on the tray or feed one food at a t...
- Missing a feeding due to baby sleeping unusually long (and Mom too)! LONG P...
- Del Monte baby food, yay or nay?
- Unsalted butter?
- Study: Breast-fed babies have lower blood pressure
- sleeping with acid reflux
- Anyone hear of Nutramigen formula ?
- Breastfeeding Mom and Baby Weight Gain
- Silly Question- Does sleeping on your stomach decrease milk supply?
- Has anyone heard of Organic Baby?
- Homemade Baby food
- Oh NO! He's learned how to spit!
- Baby's Bliss Gripe Water now available on
- Help with Frozen EBM
- EBFers: did you DREAD giving "other" milk?
- rubbing eyes but not tired
- Woke up to a miniboob and very low milk supply Help!
- Breastfeeding and pumping -- what is your strategy?
- medela pump in style and avent bottles
- Would anyone be interested in a breast pump co-op?
- What is the best sippy cup for little hands?
- Undeveloped taste buds?
- A little sad....
- Using Soy Milk
- Do you pump milk daily for baby's cereal?
- water during the day
- Now I'm worried, what should an 11 month old be eating?
- WSJ Article on BF vs. FF in the Hispanic Population
- Need advice on how to transition to formula
- Survey about formula received in mail...
- When can you offer dried fruits?
- Best bottle nipple for breastfeeding babies/newborns & EBM?
- Newborns and bottle nipples?
- Choking Prevention Poster
- nursing and a sore throat?
- BF...Playtex "One Step" or any other
- BF in public
- BF Basics
- How many of you warm EBM from the fridge...
- Nursing strike-don't know what to do.
- I'm in pain--Plugged duct??
- Need help on scalding milk due to excess lipase....paging lmintzer, rachels, nitaghei, or anyone else who does this..
- Uneven breast size & milk supply
- Is this a food allergy?
- Reintroducing dairy (to me), what should I look for?
- How do you clean/store pacifiers??
- Green spots on tongue???
- Table food for a nine months old
- Who else has AVENT problems? (I'm ranting)
- Sleep questions... (not sure where to post!)
- How many spoonfuls is enough to properly introduce...
- Ack! I think my freezer stash is no good.
- another cow's milk question...
- Book on feeding?
- Ameda Purely Yours versus Medela Pump in Style
- Having trouble weaning!! HELP
- Looking for Medela PIS horns/tubes, etc.
- Hardly taking formula bottle, gas, cranky...Help!
- Oops! Just replied to an old post and it ended up in Maternity!
- Evenflo Comfort Select
- DS refusing all solids BUT Veggie Booty
- Making your own baby food?
- How many bottles will I need inthe first few months?
- Going to concert-leaving Lauren with friends- what to do about Bfeeding
- Any ideas on what to do about my DD who will only sleep at my breast?
- HELP....need DD to take sippy cup...any ideas???
- Terrible sleep issues
- My DH wants me to wean
- New Foods & Sick Baby
- Not swallowing
- Me AGAIN ? about first time feeding cereal
- Soynut butter
- Update on the rash
- why! She is now refusing to eat everything that just last week she lapped up!
- What brand of formula do you use?
- Trying to wait until 6 months, but I'm getting tempted ....
- My mom thinks we should try and advice?
- Food allergy or diaper rash - Got the question answered
- what age did you introduce fish or shellfish?
- how do you know if your 1+ yr old is getting enough fat?
- Help--My ISIS Pump broke!
- Milk blister??......Plugged duct.... Maybe TMI?
- I did it!!! NIP!!
- Tiffany Plate & Mug
- How to get your baby's meals aligned with yours??
- eating 2x/day - what should poop look like?
- Can You Mix Formula in the Playtex Nurser?
- Isn't it just adorable when ........
- Using frozen EBM stash
- Did anyone skip the sippy cup?
- How do you give your DS/DD iron?
- Partially hydrogenated soybean oil???
- 24 oz. maximum on milk/formula? And starting over switch to cow's milk
- Frozen EBM questions--a bit long, sorry!!
- Cooking Fruits
- Baby Bjorn Soft Bib - Where to buy????
- Can Water in Avent Bottles be Microwaved?
- Concentrate vs. Not from Concentrate Apple Juice
- How much milk/formula for a 11-12 month old?
- 7 day old baby and sore nipples/BF? (long)
- Containers for Frozen homemade babyfood on the go!
- Help! 7mo old will only eat pureed food!
- Night Nursing at 15 Months
- Anyone seen this BF behavior before?
- Any bottle suggestions for acid reflux?
- Any Ferber fans ?
- Please HELP! Baby is refusing breast. Did great in hospital....
- We were lazy with bottle, now DS won't take it...HELP
- Gearing up for solids!
- hospital grade pump v. medela/ameda
- Cheap Natural Chicken @ Target
- Can my diet affect my breastmilk production?
- best place to buy pump?
- Solid foods questions!!!
- Super Baby Food- Porridge?
- How do I introduce fish?
- Introducing foods and family history of allergies
- Transporting Cow's Milk?
- nasal steroids and BFing
- Arching back, craning neck, could this be formula gas?
- Have the Medela Pump In Style - is it worth buying a battery pack?
- BF Benefits/Weaning/Formula
- Opened can of formula, how long is good?
- solids: self-feeding?
- Strange question-- when can baby take breast himself when feeding?
- Get OFF my boob!
- Milk Allergy
- Can I use Avent bottles with my Medela Pump in Style?
- What should I replace on a used Medela Pump-in-Style? Are newere versions MUCH better?
- Ending pumping? Need validation!
- Feeding a 13-mo old
- Similac Advance - frothy/bubbly???
- Feeding Question (4 month old)
- Medela PIS vs PIS Advanced?
- Discontinue Breastfeeding
- BFing but give formula once in a while?
- Is a PY easier/better than the Isis? I m getting to HATE/FRET pumping with the ISIS
- Wide Neck Bottles (that aren't Avent or Dr. Brown's)
- What Brand of Rice Cereal do I buy?
- Tofu--how do you prepare?
- reverse cycling? teething? what do I do now?
- Storing baby food
- Would you buy an Isis for traveling?
- BFing after dentist?
- At wit's end, need BF help for 2-month-old
- Passover foods?
- Mastitis and thrush prevention, need advice
- Sippy Cup Training
- Depressed - baby won't nap & isn't gaining weight
- Introducing other milks...
- signs and symptoms of reflux?
- peanut butter
- Can I give finger foods before DS has teeth?
- Will the "flow" of the nipple make a difference?
- Weaning to sippy cup...looking for a little support
- microwaving bottle
- stuffy nose
- Problem introducing cheese
- She doesn't drink anything...
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