View Full Version : Fisher-Price Twinkle-Twinkle Crib

06-02-2003, 02:45 PM
Does anyone know anything about the quality of the Fisher Price Twinkle Twinkle crib? It's available at walmart for only 99.83, and I was just wondering if there is anything wrong with it. I know that it only has 2 mattress levels, which I am fine with - and I know the mattress support is a board and not springs, which I am willing to sacrafice. What I really want to know is if it's unsturdy or is going to fall apart after a year. In the book Fisher Price cribs are given a B I think - I just wanted to make sure this latest crib was going along with Fisher Price's (Storkcraft's) improving record.



P.S. Here's a link to the crib at WalMart: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.gsp?dept=5427&product_id=1818481&path=0%3A5427%3A86325%3A91512

06-02-2003, 04:19 PM
Going off of the reviews from the new book Stork Craft received a B rating. They are not solid wood, and have mattress platforms (no springs) but overall they sound and look like good cribs.