View Full Version : Another crib for grandma's house question, but slightly different

02-14-2004, 12:42 PM
When DS is 6 months old we're flying overseas to Grandma. We'll be staying with her for a month. I'm looking for a not too expensive sleeping solution, mostly for naps. We cosleep some of the night. I really didn't think one was necessary and was perfectly happy to just cosleep for that month but Grandma is insistent on purchasing a crib. I also suggested borrowing something used from a friend or purchasing from a consignment shop. The thing is, this is her first grandchild and she's very excited about the visit, and doesn't want him to have used furniture. It's silly, I know, but she really wants to buy him these things. She figures shell get a lot of use witj future grandkids. So, I'm trying to find a way to at least help her to not spend too much money. I've thought of a pack and play, but DS doesn't sleep that well, I have trouble putting him down, he falls asleep in my arms only. I have a feeling he'll startle awake if I try to put him all the way down in a pnp. He's already too heavy for the bassinet feature. Any ideas on how to make Grandma happy without breaking her bank?