View Full Version : Do I need Pak n Play Sheets?

10-10-2001, 12:43 PM
I just registered for a Graco Pak n' Play with a bassinet feature. Not knowing any better, I also registered for pak n' play sheets to use when the baby sleeps in the bassinet. But now that I'm thinking about it more, I'm wondering if the sheets aren't just a waste of money. Are the sheets really necessary?


10-10-2001, 02:28 PM
When Aeryn was newborn, I just used a recieving blanket to lay her on, now that she is almost 3 mo, I have a twin sheet folded and tucked just right covering the P&P mattress. This also helps as she spits up alot, her Pediatrician recommended elevating her head so I just tuck the excess sheet under the end her head is on to give a slight incline. I also put a waterproof lap pad under her head which is easier to change if needed than the whole sheet.

10-16-2001, 01:27 PM
I don't think that they are a waste of money. I didn't register for one, but I ended up buying one (well, two, since I accidently left one at my mom's). If you are going to have your child sleep in it overnight, it just seems more comfortable since the PnP covers are made from something that doesn't really breathe (I'm thinking of vinyl, but that isn't exactly what it is). Also, I would use the PnP-sized sheets (vs other sizes) since they are made for the PnP. Using the right-sized sheets is much safer and helps prevent SIDS.

I hope that helps!