View Full Version : How many outfits for once a week laundry?

08-24-2003, 09:50 PM
I will only be doing laundry about once a week for the baby and am trying to figure out how many outfits I will need. (baby is due in November) I intend to have sleepers for sleeping and outfits for during the day so technically I would say 14 outfits are needed, seven sleepers and seven outfits. However, that doesnt figure in spit up and accidents etc. What do you suggest? I dont mind having a large wardrobe as many ouf the outfits we do have are inexpensive...and I have a mother who LOVES to baby clothes shop. What are your suggestions as far as the number is concerned?

08-24-2003, 09:56 PM
Hmmm... That really depends on the baby! There were times when Colin went through 6-8 outfits a day (I think that 5 outfits in an hour was his record) between spit-up and poop blow-outs. We did baby laundry every other day for clothes and spit rags (even though we had tons of clothes for him), and although I prefer to have separate sleeping and daytime "outfits", I normally did not change Colin unless the outfit was dirty - we went through so many clothes during the day that it didn't make sense to take off a clean outfit!

I'd say that, by around 3-4 months, we could get by with 2 outfits (plus pajamas) on most days.

08-25-2003, 07:32 AM
You'll probably need more than seven sleepers, at least for the first few weeks. My baby's about 11 days old and we went through six nightgowns this weekend, he kept peeing on them, spitting up, etc.

08-25-2003, 08:49 AM
Wow...laundry once a week. It's a good goal but just remember the spit up, pee and poop accidents and all of the blankets and burp cloths you will go through. I wasn't prepared for all the laundry that I do these days but I prefer doing it to thinking of the dirty stuff that I know is lurking in the hamper!

08-25-2003, 09:29 AM
Laundry once a week is hard to swing. And it is easier to fold/put away if there is less. But to minimize laundry as much as possible I would up the amount of sleepers by at least 3 and then stock up on some basics..long sleeve undershirts and legging type pants that can replace and mix and match outfit tops/bottoms that are dirty and double as pjs. I wouldn't go overboard on cute dressup outfits becuase they may not be convienient for every day. Also don't forget to have plenty of blankets, burp cloths, wash cloths and bibs! Early on I often had to do a load just becuase I ran out of one of these things!

Good Luck and happy shopping!

08-25-2003, 01:07 PM
When Jude was born we went through 2-3 sleepers a day. In the beginning that is all we dressed him in. In addition, we had 2 Halo Sleep Sacs we used for bedtime. We have a washer and drying and had it going often because the diaper blowouts can mean stained outfits. If you are doing laundry only once a week be sure to have a good supply of Shout/Spray and Wash/Stain Remover on hand.

Don't forget to have a good supply of crib/bassinet/pack n play sheets. They can go through a few in a night.

08-28-2003, 08:19 PM
Honestly, DD didn't fit into "outfits" until she was a couple of months old. The first month definitely, she was in onesie type clothes and sleepers at best...nice ones for outside, but regular ones inside and she went through a LOT! They are leaky little suckers in the beginning...from all ends...we almost felt like calling a plumber...lol!

Mommy to Kayla

08-28-2003, 09:47 PM
I do laundry about once a week (if that), so it IS definitely doable. Granted, DD isn't much of a spitter-upper...I had about 10-12 sleepers, and honestly didn't put her in much else in the first 5-6 weeks or so. She was too teeny for outfits really until then (6# 14oz at birth, so not SO small)!! I would say to get about 10-12 sleepers and as many outfits as you want! And if it turns out that lil' bit is a gusher, then you can send Gramma shopping for more sleepers!

But rest assured that I did NOT (and still don't! ) go down the 3 flights of stairs to do laundry more than once a week...ahh..apartment living!

Good luck!

08-29-2003, 10:17 AM
My goal was to only do laundry once a week, but that didn't happen unfortunately. I had plenty of clothes (lots of hand me downs which are great for those 6+ daily changes), but still had to do laundry because the clothes got kind of stinky and mildewy. Luckily after the first few weeks, I got back on my once a week schedule! You might want to enlist the help of family or friends for this task, it was actually a nice way for them to feel involved in the process.

08-29-2003, 10:58 AM
I think that you will probably find that with a baby, you will be doing laundry more often than you ever expected. I now have two kids and if I don't do one load a day including the ironing for that load, I find it difficult to catch up! Regardingless, in answer to the original question, some weeks you will need double the outfits and some weeks, you won't. Depends on the type of eater the baby will be as well as the frequency of spit ups and bowel movements. You can never predict an accident!