View Full Version : Ricosta/Pepino First Shoes

08-31-2003, 09:21 AM
Just curious as to what people think of the Ricosta/Pepino shoes.

Also, how many pairs does a "new walker" need? DS started really walking just this week (as in across a room, unaided). I'm thinking he just needs the one--right?

And one more question for the experts. I want to be extra-cautious because the doctor suspects that he might have a mild hip dysplasia (my father has it as well), but can't get re-tested for another month or so when he is walking stabily on his own. I know that barefoot is best for new walkers. However, he does decently w/o shoes on, but struggles when they are on, poor thing. Should he be wearing them inside more until he gets used to them, or only when he is outside? It's all so confusing!

Paula, Mama to Dante\r\nhttp://www.shutterfly.com/osi.jsp?i=67b0de21b32384e84594 -6/25 update