View Full Version : Spring/Summer Shoes For New Walker--Pediped OK or Ecco Better?

02-27-2007, 08:24 PM
I am looking for outdoor (swingset/backyard/playgroud/park) shoes for my 14-18 month old over the spring/summer. I bought dd 2 pairs of pedipeds but now I am wondering if something like these Eccos would be better:




Thanks for your help!

02-27-2007, 08:52 PM
We have pedipeds now, but I am not sure they'd be ok on pavement or on the playground. I think the grass is likely the only outdoor place they can go without getting destroyed. I'd look into See Kai Run shoes. Supposedly, they are the best for new walkers. I will be looking into them myself as the summer approaches.

02-27-2007, 10:28 PM
My ds wore his pedipeds as a new walker and wore them absolutely everywhere--outside, sidewalks, etc. His next pair of shoes were SKRs but I didn't try those until he was a very confident walker. The soles on SKRs are fabulous, but they were still quite different from the Pedipeds. I guess it just depends on the child and how concerned you are. We live in Hawaii, so we spend a lot of time outside and the roads/sidewalks get plenty warm and ds never "complained" about wearing his Pedipeds out and about. HTH