View Full Version : Gymbuck question

03-12-2007, 10:19 AM
I just offered to sell my Gymbuck to someone, but then realized I need to return a pair of pants w/ that receipt. If selling to someone, can they then only use it online since you need to show the receipt when redeeming?

Also, returning that pair of pants will put me under the $50 that I paid to get the Gymbuck in the first place. If this woman takes my Gymbuck, would I have to wait until she redeems it to then return the pants?

I probably shouldn't have even posted it for sale, huh?!

But if there's a way to work around it, I'd love to still sell it to her, so any help out there?


03-12-2007, 10:42 AM
I think you'll need to wait until she's finished using the Gymbuck (either in the store or online), and then you can return the pants without affecting her redemption. I think that's how it would work!

03-12-2007, 01:43 PM
I sold 2 gymbucks to someone on craigslist last time and gave her a self-addressed/stamped envelope. She returned the receipt when she was done using the gymbucks. I haven't had a need to return anything, but if I did, I could now.