View Full Version : how much to feed, and how to get them to eat?

02-10-2003, 08:27 PM
With two babies, I seem to have twice the questions.

Else's the easy one. She gets the idea of eating from a spoon just fine. I know all babies are different, but I'm not sure what to do. Charlotte, even at 6.5 mos, isn't at all interested in eating anything from the spoon - even just ebm. Granted, she just popped 2 teeth through her little gums...so do I keep giving Else as much as she wants and let Charlotte tell me when she's ready? And just how much do I give Else? Til she's full? Or should she fill up on breastmilk after a feeding? They're both so active, that eating isn't really a huge deal to them. They nurse well, but if there's anything more exciting going on, they'd rather be doing that.

Any suggestions or thoughts would be great!


twin girls 7.20.02
charlotte & else

02-10-2003, 08:58 PM
I've heard over and over that up to one year, breastmilk (or formula) should make up 90%+ of baby's calories (BTW - I am so impressed that you are still bf - that is no small feat with twins!!). In fact, I've been told to nurse and then offer solids, so baby doesn't fill up on solids. I would keep offering solids to Charlotte; she'll take them sooner or later. It is like potty training and walking - everyone "gets" it eventually, there is just a wide range of timetables.

Food for thought!

Lori & Colin 9/28/02

02-10-2003, 09:14 PM
No need to worry as long as they're nursing well. They'll tell you when they're ready and also when they're full. I feed Abigail when she expresses interest and stop when she stops. The amount she eats varies meal to meal and day to day.

Mom to Abigail Rose

02-10-2003, 09:22 PM
Everything I have read says feed them when they seem hungry and stop when they stop opening their mouths for more food. And the worst thing you can do is try to force a baby to eat before they are ready. It sounds like you're doing just GREAT with the twins.

You may want to experiment a bit more with Charlotte. If you are doing veggies, try fruits, or vice versa. Contrary to all popular wisdom, Sarah's absolute favorite foods are vegetables (broccoli is especially popular) and the "icky" infant cereal. Go figure. :)