View Full Version : "Average" age for moving to 8oz. bottle

04-09-2003, 02:04 PM
Just wanted to know from all the mums that give EBM via bottle, at what age did you move to the BIG 8 oz bottle for the wee one?


04-09-2003, 03:39 PM
Hmmmm... Colin only gets EBM about once a week, but he's definitely in 8 ounce bottles now (at 6 months). We switched over sometime around 3-4 months, I think. But because he only gets EBM once a week, his consumption can be erratic (he can make up for lower consumption by nursing more the next day).

But we still use the 4oz bottles a lot because he can easily hold them himself; the 8 ouncers are a little too big and heavy for him right now. DH just refills the bottle after he empties it! Colin looooves to hold his own bottle!