View Full Version : Shorter feeding times???

04-22-2003, 01:43 PM
We are bf'ing and over the last couple days, Lane has decreased his feeding time from 30-40 minutes to 15-25 minutes. I always feed on one side. I burp him when he goes off the first time and then see if he'll go back on. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. Is it possible my 'flow' has picked up and it doesn't take him as long to get full? Wet diapers counts have been where they should be.

Mommy to Lane 4/6/03

04-22-2003, 01:50 PM
Most probably he is just getting more efficient at nursing. Sounds like everthing else is going well, so I would just enjoy your additional free time!

04-22-2003, 02:55 PM
Hi Mary,
Babies are amazing at how they learn to b.feed, and all babies tend to nurse so differently. It's good that you're nursing on one side at a time to ensure that he's getting the rich hindmilk toward the end of a feeding. If he's feeling full and the weight gain and diaper counts are all in check, then sounds like everything is going great. Depending on how quickly you let down and how strong a sucker he is, he may be getting everything he needs in the shorter time now. My twin babies took a while to get to the hind milk, but now that they're 9 months old, they nurse for about 5 minutes. I can literally feel the milk being pulled out of me when they suck!

My LCs and LLL groups gave me a really nice analogy about nursing - sometimes the baby wants a full-course meal, and sometimes they are just thirsty and want a light salad.... then a little later on they might want dessert. Just like humans, their appetite/thurst needs vary throughout the course of a day. I find this true even now with both breastfeeding sessions and their 'solid' meals... sometimes all they want to do is nurse (esp. when their teeth were cutting through) and other times, they'd eat an entire banana and then some!

Sounds like you're doing a great job. Continue to trust your instincts and your baby. You're doing great!!


twin girls 7.20.02
charlotte & else

04-23-2003, 11:18 AM
My baby started doing the same thing you are describing when she was about a month old. Now, at 2 months, she almost always just does one side at a feeding, and it only takes 10-15 minutes. I'd say your baby is perfectly normal!