View Full Version : How much milk do I send to day care?

05-04-2003, 02:41 PM
I start back to work on Tuesday and I have no idea how much milk to send to day care with my son. He is 10 mo. old and usually nurses every three hours for about 10 minutes.

Obviously, I'll send the same amount of bottles to equal every time he nurses, but how many ounces do I put in each bottle? This will be breastmilk, so I don't want to waste it.

Thanks in advance,


05-04-2003, 06:06 PM
Will your daycare keep frozen bottles for you? It's really hard to guess how much they'll take in a bottle. I always sent 4 oz bottles, and I'd be hesitant to recommend putting more than that in a single bottle at first. But on my daughter's first day I brought in what I thought was a full days supply frozen as well as the refrigerated milk. Her babysitter kept the milk in her freezer and would use them when my daughter had an especially hungry day, then I'd replace the frozen bottles as they were used.

Not really an answer to your question, but this helped me get through those early guessing days. Once your pumping at work you'll have a much better feel for how much is "there" at each feeding.

Good luck!


05-05-2003, 08:45 AM
Great idea. Thanks!