View Full Version : Baby with strong preference for right breast

08-14-2003, 03:52 PM
DS has a strong preference for eating from my right breast. Sometimes he will eat from the left, but often he will flat out refuse (just like he is refusing to eat from a bottle, which is actually our bigger problem right now).

Anyway, does anyone else have this problem? Did you just give in to his preference for one breast, or are there any tricks out there?

Mom to Max, 5/28/03

08-14-2003, 05:13 PM
we used to call the right side "the boob of doom." it hurt the worst in the first weeks because ds has always like the left better. and the right was the first place i got mastitis. yuck.

i can only say keep at it. he can get enough to eat from one side if that is all he uses. but i would just keep trying and trying to get him interested in the right.

i sympathize!

08-14-2003, 05:24 PM
Try offering it to him when he has just woken up and is only slightly awake. This is how I have gotten DD to eat many times when she has acted fussy and refused to nurse. This is also what some breastfeeding experts recommend if your baby goes on a nursing strike. Hope this helps.

08-14-2003, 07:35 PM
Keep working on the left, my girlfriend had the same exact problem but never pushed the issue with her dd and ended up lopsided. Any Laleche groups in your area that you could get some help from?

August Mom
08-14-2003, 08:17 PM
DS definitely has a preference for my left and has from the beginning. I try to alternate which breast I offer first, but if he has completely refused the right breast at the previous feed, I offer it first whether he ate on it or not. Also, if the "rejected breast" feels extra full, I offer that one first. Also, if he initially rejects his least favorite breast, I offer his favorite one and then after he's done there, I offer the one he doesn't like at much. This system has worked pretty well for us.

08-14-2003, 08:42 PM
In addition to my baby not taking a bottle and strongly prefering the right breast, some early evenings he refuses to eat and cries and cries and I have no idea why. Would this be considered a temporary nursing strike???

He has become such a fussy eater!!!!!

08-15-2003, 08:15 AM
Does he have reflux? Sometimes reflux babies have trouble on the left. Is there any difference if you nurse lying down as opposed to using the cradle hold?

Mom to Abigail Rose

08-15-2003, 09:45 AM
Pay attention to how you are holding him. Could it be that he is not as cozy comfy on that side? Sometimes women who are righthanded hold baby differently in their left arm or vice versa.

I have also read that an ear infection can make it uncomfortable to nurse on one side.

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03

08-15-2003, 12:45 PM
I have had a very similar experience. DD also preferse one side (the right), and every so often (usually an evening feeding) she will really act odd. She latches on, then pulls off right away, then latches again . . . gets herself very upset and starts making noises, like grunts and cries. My ped suggested perhaps reflux. This only happens sometimes. I can't figure it out! I've been meaning to post the question . . .


It's a girl!

08-15-2003, 01:12 PM
When Logan would do this, I figured out that she just wanted to suck, and was mad that there was milk coming out. I would let her suck on my pinky finger and she would be happy. If you use a pacifier, you can try giving that to her when she does this.

Other reasons could be that the milk is coming out too fast for her, or not fast enough.

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03