View Full Version : dentist appt and breastfeeding

09-13-2003, 10:49 AM
I have to go to the denstist to have work done and they say that I cannot breastfeed for 24 hours. I was wondering the best way to go about pumping so I will have enough to get through the 24 hours and still be able to feed him enough till then.
mommie to nicholas 7/22/03

09-13-2003, 12:10 PM
Huh? What are they doing to you? You should be able to bf'd right away after your appointment for most any dental work.

09-13-2003, 01:43 PM
I would get a second opinion from a lactation consultant about whether you can breastfeed or not. You probably can.

If you do need to pump and dump, start as soon as possible building up a freezer supply. As you get to within 7 days of the appointment, store it in the refrigerator not the freezer because fresh milk is always better than frozen.

You can pump in the morning right before the baby nurses, that is when prolactin levels are highest and milk supply is best. Baby will nurse and still get milk even if it stopped coming out while you pumped.

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03

09-16-2003, 12:21 PM
Hi Elizabeth,

I don't know if you've had your appt yet, but I second the advice to call an LC or your ped and ask for a second opinion. Sometimes doctors (and dentists, I assume) are over-cautious and will tell you to stop bf when there's no documented reason to. There may be, in your case, but it's worth checking. Good luck with your dental work!

Mom to Gwen, 03/03

09-16-2003, 10:40 PM
well I have found with everything that is preganancy, birth and breastfeeding related there are many and sometimes differing points of view/fact. This was yet another example, I called LC at hospital yesterday and they said to find out exxactly what would be used and at the same time I had left a message with the pediatrician about it. I called dentists office and they once again said to pump and dump and then pediatrician office called back and checked the books for what kind of drugs they would be using and well, they said agreed and said to pump and dump. Then of course the LC callls back after checking the drugs and says, you'll be fine, no need to pump and dump.
I had being trying to get my doc on the phone all day but he must be on vacation. ugh. But he would have probably said they were being over-cautious but......I didn't feel totally right risking it sooo here I am pumping( see my post re: 3oz and 5 oz) -(and stashing in the freezer for now unitl I talk to my doc:)
And as far as the visit, eight weeks ago I gave birth and this seemed to hurt WAY more than that. just loading up on Mortin over here oh well:>

thanks for the advice

elizabeth mommie to nicholas 7/22/03

09-17-2003, 09:50 AM
they should be looking it up in Hales.

Medications & Mothers' Milk: A Manual of Lactational Pharmacology
by Thomas W., Ph.D. Hale

chances are, the ped and dentist don't have this book, and the LC does. I'd go with the LC, if I were in your situation. Or go to the library and look it up myself. :)
Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03

09-20-2003, 03:28 PM
what kind of dental work are you having? I'm a dental hygienist and have never heard of this warning. Maybe it's something new???

09-20-2003, 03:35 PM
Is that what snagcleaner refers to? LOL :D

I had general anesthesia and was able to BF immediately following surgery. It seems odd to me that they would recommend pump and dump. I've also had dental work done while nursing (just temporary fillings), and my doc was very cautious and did NOT want to put permanent fillings in because of the anesthesia required. But he did use a numbing agent, and never suggested that I pump and dump.

09-21-2003, 01:52 PM
Hi there all,
well I survived the appt. 3 hours!! and I still had to go back two days later. I had a old old old filling removed and a temp. crown put in ( heading to NY for three weeks so will have to wait for the permanent to see if I need a root canal!! or not!) I am three shots of novaciane with epinephrin sp?. Like my husband says, no one know what they are talking about they are probably just being cautious. I was so worried about pumping anyhow becaseu I have and three bouts of mastitis in the past month or so. But so far so good. Happily I thought to freeze rather than 'dump' so now I have quite the stash!!!

Thanks again for the advice.:>
elizabeth mommie to nicholas 7/22/03