View Full Version : Do some babies just *love* solids right away?

10-25-2003, 08:08 AM
We just introduced solids (at 7 mo), expecting a very gradual introduction process, but instead he loved them, & just went to town. And he seemed to know how to eat it right away. I mean, he was so into it, that DH is half-joking that the babysitter must have been feeding him behind our back.

Do some babies just like it from the get-go?

mama to Alex

10-25-2003, 08:43 AM
Yep. I was all set to wait until 6 months with Nora, but she just seemed so interested that we started early. She LOVES eating! She gets all excited, opens wide, and keeps wanting more, grinning like a crazy person between bites. And thats just rice cereal. She was in heaven when we tried the banana!

So no learning curve here.

10-25-2003, 10:59 AM

I started DD on solids around 5 months and she never hesitated to wolf stuff down. I've never had a problem with her spitting things back out at me. She took to eating finger foods the same way at around 7.5-8 months. The only thing I've ever given her that she hasn't liked so far is cottage cheese and kiwi fruit. I don't think she likes the texture of cottage cheese but she will eat regular cheese. The kiwi fruit was funny because you could tell she didn't like it right away but she kept "trying" it just to make sure before she finally convinced herself that yes it wasn't tasting any better.

10-25-2003, 12:34 PM
Yes! I was waiting for 6 months, and at 5 1/2 months she was so eager for them! She took to rice cereal right away and never looked back! We were on table foods exclusively (along with bottles as well) at 10 months! The full range, from eager eaters to more hestitant eaters is all normal!

10-26-2003, 07:38 PM
ds was crazy for solids! he would laugh at pears he liked them so much. he can't tolerate them (poor tummy) so we had to take him back off. i felt SO guilty this morning while eating a bowl of cereal while he sat in his highchair. he kept smacking his lips and staring at me... i was so sad that he was all ready for food in his highchair and i couldn't give him any... sigh...