View Full Version : Feeding from only one side?

10-28-2003, 11:48 PM
Has anyone ever done this? I apparently have one side that isn't wanting to produce as much. Plus it's slightly inverted which seems to make DD favor the other one and it's on my left side which is more awkward for me since I'm right handed (maybe this is all in my head?) Anyway, as the baby and I both favor the right one, the other one is producing even less, but she just won't take it. Sometimes she will, sometimes (especially when she's REALLY hungry) not. The nurses told me not to worry about it, just to keep offering it regularly and then if she wasn't taking it by 2 weeks or so that it would be fine just to feed her from the one side. So, other than the cosmetic issues, is there anything else I should know? Any tips for getting her to take the other one? I feel odd writing so explicitly about this, but hey...there's no room for modesty after giving birth and letting nurses "help" you with breastfeeding. Anyway, thanks for the help!

10-29-2003, 08:09 AM
I know several people who nurse from one side only. Your body will produce what your baby needs. Think of women who nurse twins, where effectively each breast needs to support a baby. You will have quite a difference in breast size, but it will even out once you're no longer nursing. In the meantime, some women choose to wear pads on one side. You can also try to pump very regularly on your less-preferred side to keep up some production. Also, get help from an LC. The nurses at the hospital are well-meaning, but you may need a more educated assistant. It might be that temporary use of a nipple shield on the left side would help her latch and allow her to nurse. An LC would also help with the positioning given that YOU feel awkward when you hold her that way. Your supply will quickly come back up if she begins to nurse on the left, and the inverted nipple will probably pop out with time as the adhesion holding it in breaks. It's very much worth seeking out the help. Money spent on an LC was the best investment I made. You can also call LLL, which will help you without charge.

Mom to Abigail Rose

10-29-2003, 08:12 AM
One of my postpartum nurses told me that she nursed her baby on just one side for 11 months, so I definitely think it can be done! Good luck to you!

10-29-2003, 10:40 AM
I have this exact problem. My left nipple is half inverted, and I knew from my first baby that it would be more painful and therefore I and baby would avoid it and it would produce less.

With this baby, I made sure to offer the left one just as often as the right one. I found that when she was really hungry she would take it, but if she was just a little hungry, she would just play around. I also found that it was easier for both of us to feed on that side in the side laying position. I think because I am right handed, she didn't feel as secure when I held her on that side, but laying down she was fine.

edited for typos

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03

10-29-2003, 10:54 AM
I have to nurse only on one side due to a biopsy that severed the milk ducts on the other. The body definitely compensates, in may case I even had a problem with over-supply. The best recommendation is to contact a lactation consultant, they are soooo helpful. And if you CAN nurse from both it is really helpful. But if you can't rest assured that it can be done. The cosmetic issues get better, the breasts even out more after a few months, but the first 3 months or so they were very lopsided and I put a pad on the other side for a little bit of balance. Good luck!

Mom to Norah 5/23/03

10-29-2003, 01:39 PM
I'm glad to read everyone's reassurances that your body would adjust to nursing just one side; however, it might be worth it to keep trying on both for a while longer.

My left breast is also inverted, and for the first 2 or 3 months, it was a real struggle to get her to nurse that side. I used to pump the left side to keep up the supply on days when she flat-out refused. Then, overnight it seemed, she started taking it fine. Actually, now she seems to prefer the left side, although she will usually nurse either. Babies love to keep us guessing! Good luck!

Missy, mom to Gwen 03/03