View Full Version : I'm worried, could he be allergic???

10-29-2003, 03:45 PM
My son Brady is 4.5months old. He has had rice in his overnight bottle for two months now anyway. Always gerber in the past, we switched him to beechnut b/c of the soy. Did the switch on Friday. Sat through today, he's had diarrhea at 4am every day. We switched him to oatmeal last night (he was rejecting the rice) and he had diarrhea 3 times today so far. He has no fever, has been a bit fussy, but still eats 7oz for his bottles. Could he be allergic even though he had it a tablespoon of rice in his overnight bottle for months????

Thanks!! :(


10-29-2003, 04:56 PM
I can't help you with regards to allergies, but wanted to share a similar experience. When DD was about 4 months she had diarrhea for about a week. Initially I did not worry because she did not have a fever and was eating well. After a week I decided to take her to the pediatrician because we were going away and I wanted to make sure she was ok before our trip. Well the pediatrician thought it was probably just a bug and told me that she probably had become lactose intolerant as a result of it. She switched dd to soy formula for a couple of days and it worked wonders. After two or three days she went back to regular formula and the diarrhea was gone. Now I know that you mentioned soy in your post, so I don't know if your ds drinks soy formula already. Anyhow I would call your pediatrician and ask.

By the way, dd also had a bit of cereal in her bottles to help with mild reflux. When we started cereal as a solid meal she had no reaction. I would think that if your ds were allergic he would have had a reaction when fed cereal in his bottle. That said, I am not a doctor, so I might be wrong. If I were you I would call dd's doctor and get her/his imput.

10-29-2003, 10:09 PM
Hello! Do you think he was rejecting the rice itself, or specifically the Beechnut brand? Sounds like he was OK on the Gerber brand of it. Odd that suddenly the Beechnut rice AND oatmeal cereals are trouble now. But it seems unlikely that he'd be fine on rice for so long and suddenly develop an allergy to it. Suppose it's not impossible........might really just be a little tummy bug he's got, poor guy. FWIW, my DS showed his dairy allergy through extreme fussiness, gasiness and increasingly green stool (sorry for the TMI).

HTH! :)