View Full Version : Such a thing as breastfeeding milestones?

Janet S.
10-29-2003, 09:48 PM
My 5 month old baby and I have had a very difficult time breastfeeding. Despite visits to 3 different lacatation consultants (and several nursing friends) and trying everything from supplemental nursing systems to pumping, my babe still has difficulty latching on properly. And now that she's getting older, she's getting more distracted and uninterested. She'd rather hold her own bottle and eat cereal. Though my original breastfeeding goal was 6 months, I'm not sure we're going to make it. If we stop now/soon, will she be missing out on some great benefit that only takes effect if your baby nurses longer than 6 months? Are there breastfeeding milestones like that? My main concern is about her ears. I had horrible ear infections as a (bottlefed) baby & I was hoping to spare her that.


10-29-2003, 11:24 PM
The ear infection benefit is only in place as long as you are breastfeeding. It is the way baby sucks on the breast that helps keep the ears from getting infected. (probably also the antibodies in the milk help too)

I nursed my first baby for 13 months and he never had an ear infection until after he weaned. Then for the next year and a half, he had one after another to the point that he was put on a prophylactic dose of antibiotics daily.

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03

10-30-2003, 03:51 AM
one thing you can do to help with the ear infections (once you stop BF) is to not allow the baby to have the bottle in the crib. Dante got one-two bottles (EBM) a day from about 5 months on. We gave him the bottles only when we were holding him--never in the crib, in the stroller, or walking around. He never got accustomed to having the bottle for anything other than a means of nutrition, and we didn't have to worry about liquid pooling in his ears from a total reclining position. My sister had terrible ear infections as a kid, which might explain our diligence.

To date, Dante has not had a single...You know what? Superstitious fool that I am, I'm not even going to write it out. But you know what I want to say :)

Mama to Dante, 8/1/02

Jen in Chicago
10-30-2003, 09:00 AM
My son is BF and has already had an ear infection. Knowing supply is not equal to demand we are starting the weanning process SLOWLY and will only be bf p-t at 6 mos (my goal too.)

You have done a great job! Sounds like you have had stuggles that you have overcome. Way to go! Many would have given up.

We fortunately did not have bf struggles, but the attention span of a 5 mo old is not great for nursing. Jude also wants to look around the room (with my nipple in his mouth if he can- OUCH!), play with my hair/boob/neck/anything within reach, talk (so cute!),...

Good job!

10-30-2003, 09:15 AM

I haven't heard of any specific milestones other than ones you have already passed - like getting all the colostrum. Of course, there are ongoing benefits, but I haven't heard of "milestones" in the sense you mean.

I am sorry that you have had such a difficult time with BF. It sounds like you have put a lot of effort into it, and you have given your baby a wonderful benefit by nursing this long. If you can continue longer, it will probably help with avoiding ear infections as well as provide other benefits, but if it isn't working well and you wean, try not to worry too much. Your DD may not be as prone to ear infections as you were!

Elizabeth, Mom to James, 9-20-02

Janet S.
10-30-2003, 01:50 PM
Thanks, everyone, for all your kind words. I appreciate it. Some days I feel more decisive about this than others. She still doesn't latch on well but when she smiles and laughs at the boob it melts my heart. Of course, when she bites down or slides down from a good position to gnaw, I don't quite get the same warm & fuzzy glow. I guess I thought if there were concrete milestones, especially concerning the ear, I would have something to focus on. Right now the biggest influences are my ob/gyne telling me my breasts need to heal and well-meaning family telling me I almost made it to my goal so what's the big deal. And when your baby doesn't seem to mind the bottle, and even seems to enjoy it, it's hard to know what the right thing to do is. Still, I appreciate all your advice and information.


10-30-2003, 02:07 PM
You know, fwiw I thought for sure I read something recently that said that breastfeeding offers protective factors against ear infections even after you wean, but maybe I'm nuts. I was researching a similar thing because I had reached four months and not sure I could make it to six (my original goal also). I know I read something that there is benefit to continue to six months, as opposed to stopping at four (I was desperately looking for info that could tell me it was ok to stop at four!). And that the benefits decrease after 6 months.

Most importantly and what I know for sure is that any bf is better than none, and you've given your baby 5 good months that were very challenging! I know I would have quit if I were in your shoes, so I hope you feel happy and proud of what you have accomplished.

I am still partially bf'ing. I also use Dr. Browns bottles which are supposed to help with ear infections- maybe they don't but it makes me feel better.

Good luck!
Mom to Norah 5/23/03

10-30-2003, 10:14 PM
I think that sometimes, it's related to BFing or something. And sometimes it's just a matter of genetics/layout. Some kids are prone to them (and it seems to be genetic) and some kids aren't. My best friend always had ear infections growing up and so have her two kids (the first one was weaned at 6 months and started getting them, the second also started getting them after 6 mos, but wasn't weaned until 16 mos). But I was only BF'd until I was 7-mos. and I've never had an ear infection in my life.

10-31-2003, 09:15 AM
I'm sorry your having such a rough time with BF. I just wanted to say that we had a hard time around 5 mos. too. The world suddenly became sooo interesting around 5 mos, so our sessions involved a lot of pulling off, looking around, coming back (roughly), pulling off, etc... Anna also started teething, which makes it difficult for her to nurse sometimes.

Anna is now 8.5 mos and is much better. We still have to nurse in a quiet room with the door closed, but at least now she's all business about it. She nurses fast and furiously, then is off to go explore.

Cindy and Anna 2/11/03

10-31-2003, 11:37 AM
What I discovered at that age is that she was not only more interested in the world around her, but she was much more efficient at nursing too. She could get enough milk in 5 or 10 minutes,rather than lazing about nursing for 45 minutes like she did when she was tiny.

Most of her nursing sessions are just 5 or 10 minutes now. Sometimes at night she will nurse longer, or in the morning while we are still in bed. When she starts to pop off and look around, I offer her the nipple again to see if she is just distracted, and if she pops right off again, I let her go play. Unless someone is standing right above her head, that really seems to drive her crazy and she won't nurse at all and has to keep looking at the person. If they move, she will nurse.

Babies are so silly.

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03