View Full Version : Suggestions on good first finger foods?

11-05-2003, 11:54 AM
My DD is 6 months old and she has been on the rice/otameal/barley cereal rotation for about a month and doing great. This week we started on carrots. Yesterday, our ped suggested adding some finger food, but I didn't get specifics. Do you have any ideas on some safe finger foods for my toothless wonder that might satisfy her apparent desire to chomp?
Many thanks:D

11-05-2003, 01:57 PM
Finger foods at 6 months? We didn't start Colin on finger foods until about 8 months, and we started with Cheerios.

Perhaps you could start with biter or teething biscuits? They are larger so a less coordinated baby could hold them, yet they mush up pretty well. Just watch out for chunks breaking off - they are a choking hazard!

11-06-2003, 08:32 PM
Thanks so much for your response. 6 months seemed a bit early to me too, but he thinks she's ready. Cheerios sound good...but what are biter biscuits? (sorry to be so clueless about this!)

11-06-2003, 09:34 PM
You can get biter/teething biscuits in the baby food aisle - Gerber makes them, I think, in a little box. But watch out, they are messy!