View Full Version : I couldn't decide if I should post here or the Bitching Post

11-08-2003, 12:38 AM
Hello Everyone!

While Ellen is at Day Care (BTW, I LOVE the place where she is going and the people who are there!) I send three 4 oz. bottles of EBM and on 2 oz. "snack bottle" of EBM. The last several days that I have picked her up, the worker (who is not her normal "teacher") has warmed up an entire 4 oz. bottle 15 minutes before I get there, of which Ellen has drank only an ounce or so. When we get home, Ellen wants "the boob", not the bottle, and so three oz. of my "liquid gold" goes down the drain. This is so discouraging because three oz. is sometimes all I can get!

How would you handle this? Break a 4 oz. into two 2 oz.? Speak to the afternoon "teacher"? Fashion a hanging rope out of the shreds of my boppy the next time it happens?

Please help!

Mom to Ellen 7/23/2003

11-08-2003, 08:59 AM
I'd start by speaking to the afternoon teacher, especially since you have so much respect for the people there. Seems like this would be simple to resolve. If speaking to her doesn't work, go to the director of the center.

11-08-2003, 09:47 AM
ugh! how annoying! i would tell the teacher that she cannot waste your 4oz bottle just so that she doesn't have to comfort ellen a little for 15 minutes! can she use a pacifier? clearly, she is not hungry if she only eats 1 oz. or i guess you could make a 1 oz bottle?

11-08-2003, 03:06 PM
Is the afternoon teacher aware there is breastmilk in her bottle and not formula? I would definitely talk to them and explain that they shouldn't feed her so close to the time you pick her up. I think that women who have no experience with breastfeeding might not realize that you'll need to feed her as soon as you see her.

Definitely make her aware of how hard it is for you to make 3 oz of milk!

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03

11-08-2003, 10:39 PM

How long has DD been in daycare? MY DD is in daycare all day and I send three 4.5 ounce bottles and one 1.5 ounce "extra" bottle a day. When DD first started though, I sent 7 (yikes) bottles, 6 with two ounces each and an "extra". I did not dare put a full four ounces in before I knew for sure she could drink it all. So I did this for about the first three weeks and after she had pretty much established a consistent pattern, I combined the bottles. I have instructions to not feed DD a bottle after 4:45 and if they do need to give one that late, only give the "extra bottle" that contain just about 1.5 ounces to tide her over until i pick her up.