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11-19-2003, 03:43 PM
DD has suddenly decided she wants to nurse all of the time. I don't think it's a growth spurt because she only eats for 5-10 minutes then she's done. She's not falling asleep, she just doesn't want to eat anymore. I thought she must just be wanting to suck, so I tried giving her my finger (she won't take a passifier at all), but she just keeps crying like she's actually hungy. I'm guessing she's using me as a human passifier, but I'm not sure. What do you all think? I'm all for feeding in demand, but this is getting out of hand. What do you suggest? Thanks!

Jen in Chicago
11-19-2003, 03:49 PM
I was guilty of this too. Jude grew out of it. I tried my best to distract him when I could, then I would break down and give him what he wanted. Around your child's age I remember feeling like a human milk machine.

11-19-2003, 04:49 PM
Hmmm...as babies get older they do become more efficient nursers. I would look at how often she's nursing as opposed to how long. My DD and several others I know went down to 5-10 minutes. If it's a growth spurt (4 weeks is one common time)she will nurse more frequently, but only for about 2 days, then go back to a longer interval (still only 2-3 hours at the most at this age, at least during the day). But young babies also have a strong need to suck, but that should decrease too. So she may be going through a sucking phase. :) Good luck and hang in there.

Mom to Norah 5/23/03

11-19-2003, 06:25 PM
I'd hang with it. I know it's tiring. Abigail got really efficient, but would nurse all the time for short periods when she was in a growth spurt or not feeling well. Also, reflux babies often do short feeds like that, so it's worth keeping an eye on. But if she acts hungry and can't be easily distracted, she probably IS hungry and needs to nurse. I promise it won't last. :)

Mom to Abigail Rose

11-19-2003, 06:34 PM
Rachel- (or whoever else)
What are some of the signs of reflux? We've had a definite increase in spitting up as of late (I posted about it a couple of days ago) and then she wants to eat right afterwards a lot of times which I think someone mentioned might help ease the pain of the acid? How do you know when it's reflux vs just normal baby stuff? We have her one month check next week, so I suppose I could ask the ped about it.

11-19-2003, 07:44 PM
Hang in there! My DS nursed all the time at first. Actually, he still nurses a lot, but not as much as he did the first month or two. Also, by now I'm so used to it, it's just [art of my routine. Once you and your baby settle into a routine, nursing is actually relaxing, but I do remember the early days when it didn't seem quite so easy. It might be a growth spurt, especially is she won't suck on your finger. I think the big ones are at 3 and 6 weeks, but they sometimes have little ones in-between. HTH!

11-19-2003, 08:01 PM
There are lots of signs, but it's hard to tell with a newborn what is causing what. Spitting up is normal, but voluminous or projectile spitting up is often a sign of reflux or a food allergy. If she acts hungry but then pulls back or arches as though it hurts to eat, that's more of a reflux thing. Reflux babies also tend to nurse more often for shorter periods, because it hurts to eat much and also hurts to get hungry. Other signs are frequent hiccups, belly pain, trouble nursing when lying on the left side, and fussiness. Food allergies are another consideration. It's possible that she's sensitive to something you're eating and that may be what's responsible for all of this.

Mom to Abigail Rose

11-20-2003, 09:36 AM
An increase in spitting up could also indicate an ear infection or overfeeding (both of which happened to us). But I seem to remember that Laura's spitting up didn't really take off until she was around 1 month old, so it may just be the normal baby stuff. Definitely ask the ped, but be prepared for "that's just what babies do" or some answer like that. :P

Mom to Laura 6/9/03