View Full Version : DD is off her chow...should I be worried?

11-24-2003, 07:15 PM
We had an exciting weekend (including meeting GA moms!), and DD didn't eat or nap "normally" (as normal as an almost 10 week old can be). Today she woke up with a snuffly nose (can breathe through it just sounds a little snozzly) but seems cheerful and alert. She won't eat much at all and is sleeping a ton. She'll latch on then suck for a few minutes and then SCREAM until I put the pacifier or my finger in. After she calms down, I try the breast again and even try the other side. She'll eat maybe 5-15 minutes total with lots of pop-offs. She seems to only want to suck and not drink, and she'll suck the pacifier to sleep. I've pumped a couple of times and she's refused a bottle of EBM too. She's had 4 wet diapers since 11 am (2 of those were dirties, so I'm guessing they were wet too), and she's smiling when she's awake (except when she's screaming and shoving the boob away). Should I be worried?

Thanks for your thoughts!

Mama to Gracie (9/16/03)

11-24-2003, 08:10 PM
I wouldn't worry. Ryan does that too and I always think it's something but inevitably he just is not in the mood to eat that day. Gracie could just be taking more naps since she is growing and getting cuter (is that possible?) and just needs the rest!