View Full Version : Do you just keep on pumping?

01-14-2004, 10:33 AM

I was wondering what everyone else did. Ellen usually has only one side in the morning, and when I go to pump, I hook up two sides on my PIS and pump away. I usually only get maybe an ounce out of the side she has had, but I usually keep it going "dry" for the other side because I read somewhere that you get more if you have both sides going at once.

So...what do you do?


01-14-2004, 11:03 AM
I keep pumping. I figure whatever I get is hindmilk, and usually pumped milk is mostly foremilk, so I add it to what I got from the other side. It's like a bonus. :)

When I was pumping in the morning, I pumped before she ate so that I got a lot out of both sides. Then when she would eat directly afterwards she was getting mostly hindmilk.

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03