View Full Version : I just love a snappy retort!

01-19-2004, 01:14 PM
Hello everyone!

I thought it might be fun to read everyone's experience/planned retort for those who have experienced "commentary" while nursing in public.

01-19-2004, 03:47 PM
i have read some great ones on here before!

since we are nearing a year (10 months this week) and my child looks older than he is, i expect to get a "are you STILL nursing?" remark at some point. i hope it is a "can't he drink cow's milk?" so that i can say, "cow's milk is for baby cows." (and, of course, no, you can't give a human baby cow's milk until he is over a year. and even then, we plan to give him soy milk)

01-19-2004, 04:58 PM
haven't ever had to use any, but always planned to do the "duh, of course I'm still nursing" etc attitude. Not confrontational, just sort of puzzled by the ridiculousness of the question.

And we have nursed EVERYWHERE in public, including the middle of the Spy museum (I stole a chair at the radar station from a little girl. A surprising number of people stood right next to me reading the info and either never noticed or never gave any indication they had noticed.)

trying-to-conceive :)
mama to Jack 6/6/03

01-19-2004, 07:59 PM
I just read my favorite on Kelly's attachment parenting site ... in response to "are you still nursing" No, my mother lives too far away, but (insert baby's name here) is."

01-20-2004, 12:23 AM
LOL! So far, I've gotten really positive comments from people when they find out ds is nursing. I'm more likely to get grief from within my family than from strangers in public. :) But there was that cartoon in the paper that I liked.
She was NIP under a coverup and a woman came up and asked her, "Are you STILL nursing that child?" She said with complete innocence, "Child?" looked under the coverup and shrieked, "EEK, there IS a child in there!"