View Full Version : Exersaucers?

05-27-2003, 11:11 AM
I know the Fields' are against them, but I'm really beginning to think about getting one for Sophie.

She's not sitting up yet and is starting to get fed up with the bouncy seat. She has just started to look around to the side to see if there's anything going on back there.

The swing still is a good option, but not all the time.

I got her one of those doorway jumper seats last week, but she's not too sure what to do with it yet. The physical position is something new to her as well. I'm hoping that once she figures it out she will like it.

I have also been thinking about setting up the play mat (one of those ones with the toy arches) in the pack and play so I can put her in there without the dogs licking her like crazy (but Mom, she tastes like milk!).

I know the whole theory behind the exersaucer is that it delays motor skills, blah, blah, blah....but I am kind of at a loss as to what else to do with her - I can't hold her all day!


Andrea S
05-27-2003, 11:38 AM
Andrew loves his exersaucer. I would put him in it a couple of times a day and he would play with the toys bounce up and down. Now he walks around the outside playing with the toys. As long as you do not put them in it for extended periods of time I think they are fine. Andrew has had no delay in motor skills he has been cruising around furniture since 8 months and is taking 1-2 steps between furniture for a couple of weeks now.

mom to Andrew 8/14/02

05-27-2003, 12:07 PM
I dont think the fields are aginst the exersaucer.
I think they do not care for walkers and unless I am mistaken you cannot walk in the excersaucer.
I think a lot of mothers love the evenflo ultrasaucer

05-27-2003, 12:19 PM
Abigail LOVED hers! As long as you don't leave her in there for really extended periods, I wouldn't worry about it.

Mom to Abigail Rose

05-27-2003, 12:39 PM

The new book mentions that there is a connection between delayed motor skills and exersaucers. Something about the lack of mental connection between the baby moving their lower limbs and actually **seeing** their limbs move.

They really didn't recommend the use of one.


05-27-2003, 01:48 PM
Abbie loved hers and she was an early sitter and cruiser -- she sat up by 4 months and cruised at 7 months. Although she crawled kind of on schedule or late -- just started at 8 1/2 months. I have heard the theory about walkers (particularly those shaped liked the saucers), but I don't think it really caused any delay for Abbie.


05-27-2003, 04:03 PM
At DD's 5 mo. visit, my ped actually recommended an exersaucer as a good toy for her age! (Of course last week she got hurt with one of the ultrasaucer toys, but that's another story!!!-see previous post!!)
She does seem to enjoy playing in it, and we've really been able to see how her hand coordination has improved...

05-27-2003, 04:28 PM
We love our exersaucer!!! Colin started using his at 3.5 months (he had good upper body strength already) but recently started showing signs of tiring of it. He crawled by 7 months (up on all fours - he was commando crawling by 6 months) and has been pulling up and cruising for a few weeks, too. So I don't think that it slowed him down any! But I agree - you need to watch the amount of time they spend in it. It was a great place to park Colin for a few minutes so I could go to the bathroom, take a shower, or throw in a load of laundry!

05-27-2003, 10:16 PM
Thanks for the info.I guess I dont have the new book and I was really into the idea of an exersaucer,
The kids on this board really love theirs.

05-28-2003, 09:05 AM
We have the Evenflo Ultrasaucer, and I honestly do not know what we would do without it! It is the BEST; my daughter loves playing in it. (it's also her favorite place to take a big poop) Delay motor skills? I don't see that.

05-28-2003, 12:54 PM
HA! The Exersaucer was my son's fave place to poop too! Later when he could pull up, and from then on, he ONLY pooped standing up, like in the saucer!

Carter loved his too, but he did walk "late" at around 14 mos. He DID weigh 30 pounds by then, so his weight probably made it more difficult to get going. I don't blame the saucer for the perceived delay, more his weight, and I agree with the others that it gives you a chance to pee, shower, or cook dinner!


05-30-2003, 11:46 PM
DD loved her Exersaucer. As far as developmental delays, I just don't see it. We started using it when she was about 4 months old. Within a week she was holding her head up much better and sitting with less support.

She also has plagiocephaly (flat-head syndrome). This is one way of keeping the pressure off of her head.