View Full Version : Question about SWING

10-01-2003, 08:11 PM
My DS is 6 weeks old today and loves sleep in the swing.
Since I want him to sleep and know that the swing works, I tend to put him there often and sometimes for about two hours for him to sleep.
But now I wonder whether using swing often is okay.
Any feedback will be appreciated.

10-02-2003, 06:44 AM
Do you have the Happiest Baby on the Block Book? In it, he says that the swing is not a problem. I also was very worried about my daughter because from months 1 - 4 she basically would only nap in the swing. I stressed about it constantly for no good reason. Then little by little she just started sleeping more in more in her crib. I also was worried about how long she would sleep in the swing but at 4 months she could take a three hour nap in the swing and only wake up once in the night to nurse. So my advice, for what it's worth, is if your baby is happy and sleeping in the swing that it is fine.

10-03-2003, 02:32 PM
From about months 1-4, the swing was the ONLY place Ainsleigh would have a good nap (more than 30 minutes, but up to a couple hours). I worried a little bit, but my mom just said, "Have her sleep wherever she will - she needs sleep, and YOU need her to sleep." The only thing is to keep a set of extra batteries on hand ;) - nothing like a mad dash to the closest store for those DD batteries!

10-03-2003, 05:04 PM
I wouldn't worry at all - Abbie slept in the swing for virtually all of her naps until she was 8 months old (she slept in her crib at night). She was a big baby and I was happy we had a FP swing so she was comfortable even as a large baby. My ped basically said it was fine. I would always admit sheepishly that Abbie was still napping in the swing and she would always say not to worry. I was also worried the transition to the crib for naps would be difficult, but one day she just didn't seem comfortable in the swing and I laid her down in her crib and she's napped there ever since.

Especially early on, I say do whatever works.

10-03-2003, 05:38 PM
That makes me feel much better.
I picked him up to place him in the crib when I thought he was in deep sleep and woke him up couple times.Yes, got him really upset!

Do you keep the rocking mode on or after while, do you turn it off???
I still worry bit since I get dizzy watching him in the swing..^_^***

I live with MIL and she also worries that it will make him dizzy and she keeps taking him off from the swing and just hold him.

Only thing, she will be moving out of our place next month and I will be end up holding him all day long. He will get heavier too.

Swing is the only other place that my DS will sleep besides in arms.

Thank you!

10-03-2003, 09:20 PM
Sometimes I would turn it off, but then she would generally wake up. So I'd put it on the lowest setting, but sometimes she'd even wake up then. Anywho, for the most part we'd just keep it at a mid-range. And as nice as it is to gaze into their sleeping peaceful faces, it's a lot nicer to glance over at them sleeping in the swing while you're getting something done! :) I wouldn't worry about the dizzy factor. Ainsleigh seems just fine!