View Full Version : DS gives the Megasaucer...

10-05-2003, 02:41 PM
two very enthusiastic "thumbs up"! It's a hit...and the cats like to sleep in the bottom when he's not using it...one even tried to lay in there while DS was in it, but quickly learned that was not a good idea!

I'm amazed that he can spin around already in it, to play with the different toys, and he loves the bouncing!

10-05-2003, 09:40 PM
Cocoa loves hers as well. Not quite bouncing yet, but loves to discover new toys around her circle.

10-06-2003, 08:57 PM
Aaaah the Megasaucer...my best friend! I literally could not put Kayla down...EVER...until we pulled out the blessed Megasaucer. We call it her "office"...she is very serious about her "work" when in it...especially loves to grab and suck on the teether!

Mommy to Kayla

10-06-2003, 11:58 PM
That is so accurate! Kai looks like he has a job to do when he's in there...it is so funny! But he's already figured out how to detach some of the toys, so I'm a little worried about that...they just snap in, so I don't see how we could have assembled it wrong?

It doesn't really matter because I'm sitting right here watching him while he's in it.

Why is this thing not recommended?? Apparently nobody has told our babies that it isn't recommended :)

10-07-2003, 07:10 AM
I bet he's detached one side of the hourglass looking thing that flips over... Mine does this and so does my friend's. We don't know why... Honestly, I wouldn't think it would be dangerous if any of those things came off...wouldn't worry about it. Honestly, it's the only thing I can put her in and feel safe while *gasp* take my 3 minute shower!

Mommy to Kayla

10-07-2003, 08:05 AM
Jude starts bouncing in my arms when we can see his exersaucer! He also works very hard at spinning one of the toys. Grandma made it more exciting for him by putting it in front of a full length mirror in our front hall. He plays, talks to his reflection and bounces up a storm. What did I do before this?

10-07-2003, 07:44 PM
Yes, that is exactly the part he pulls off!

10-14-2003, 11:58 AM
Well we got the ultrasaucer over the weekend and finally put the thing together last night and Ryan doesn't seem to like it. He screamed bloody murder when we put him in it last night and then I figured he was too tired for it. Well, I am so excited about it so I tried again this morning when he was well rested/fed and same thing happened! I got down there with him and started playing with the toys and he just freaked again. Here I was feeling guilty he wasn't getting his share of the fun that Deborah and Jamie are having (okay so Kai and Kayla are having) and he hates it.

His feet don't touch the bottom (adjusted it to the lowest setting) even though he is a pretty tall kid (75th percentile) so I put a pillow down. I thought the uneasiness of his feet not touching the ground/saucer were why he was screaming, but with the pillow there they touch.

What are the secrets for easing him into this? Of course we got the most expensive one too that folds down too so it was like $75 after the BRU 15% coupon!


10-14-2003, 12:38 PM
when we first put DD in it, we rolled up some blankets on her side and front... otherwise she flopped around in it because she was so small. You also might want to take many of the toys off at first. It can be overload. She would just stare at everything and then cry. But now she adores it! She usually has a toy in each hand and something else in her mouth!