View Full Version : Classic toys - found a GREAT chicagoland store!

11-08-2003, 09:46 PM
I've been on a quest for classic toys - and I FINALLY found the traditional alphabet blocks! We live in Chicago, but we're in the suburbs dogsitting for the in-laws and I finally visited a store I've been eyeing since I was pregnant! They had 50 of the traditional alphabet blocks for $9.99! The crappy Carter's ones are $29.99 (I think) at BRU. I bought all four boxes that they had in-stock, but I thought I would let everyone know since I've seen some posts on here about how hard it is to find nice inexpensive wooden toys. I was THRILLED with this store. They had great clothing, wonderful bedding and furniture, and fabulous books, etc. I've been eyeing this hat forever at a boutique in the city that cost 34.99 and I found it at this store for 14.99!

Anyway, for those of you that are interested, it is called My Own Little Room and it is located at 14490 LaGrange Road in Orland Park, IL. Their number is 708-364-Room and I don't think the owner (who was so helpful and totally knowledgeable about how different clothing runs) would be adverse to shipping because he offered to ship something for us that we wanted more of for Christmas. They do have a website - www.myownlittleroom.com, but it actually kind of sucks and doesn't do the store justice at all.

Anyway, thought I'd share! I bought DS a Le Top Outfit, 4 sets of the blocks, a Manhattan Toy dinosaur I've seen retailed for $35 (it was $22), two books, two of those faucet covers for the bathtub, my favorite hat - and the entire thing was about $100-150 dollars less than I'd expect to pay in the city. I am in love - I'll be visiting the in-laws much more often!

Thanks for letting me rant...
Mom to Charlie 5/26/03

11-10-2003, 12:50 AM
Hey, thanks for the tip. I love wooden toys and classic toys, so this was great to see. I can tell what you mean about it not doing it justice. It is still really great (I love their products), but I can see how their photos would really show off better if they had them professionally done.

11-10-2003, 11:03 AM
I shop there all the time, and it is wonderful, and the owners are great. It is worth a trip out. If anyone decides to go, email me. I live close by.