View Full Version : Tummy time toy recommendations

02-10-2004, 12:45 AM

My son has plagiocephaly (deformation of the skull caused by back sleeping) and am looking for some tummy time toys that may be interesting. We have the activity gymn which he doesn't enjoy as much. He is 7 months old and isn't sitting up yet.


02-10-2004, 01:05 AM
A mirror! If you have any full length mirrors in your house, you could use those. Or, you could get a mirror that can lay (lie? I always mess those up) on the floor. We have one from Lamaze; do a search in the baby section on Amazon and you should find a bunch.

Does he push himself up when he's on his tummy and use his arms/hands at all? If so, some soft books could also work well.

http://www.windsorpeak.com/dc/user_files/2303.jpg Mary & Lane 4/6/03
http://www.shutterfly.com/osi.jsp?i=67b0de21b346cc5b6556 - New pics 1/26

02-10-2004, 01:19 AM
Does your son enjoy being on his tummy? I'm asking because my DD had plagiocephaly and she hated tummy time. Fortunately she was sitting up by 7 months, but I really couldn't find anything she enjoyed doing on her belly. I used to lay her on my belly and play with her. That was the only way she was content while on her belly.

What about an exersaucer? It keeps pressure off of the back of the head.

Best wishes.

02-10-2004, 02:02 AM
We bought that Boppy tummy time pillow and used it starting at one month old. It has toys at the end and it really helped DD stay on her tummy longer. We also used a mirror in front of the tummy time Boppy. She found it interesting to look at herself!

I would keep trying. At first DD would resist the tummy time, but after a while she got used to it and she was able to stay on her tummy longer each time.

I also agree with Vicki. I would lay on the floor with my DD and that helped as well.

I hope this helps!

Mom to Kailey Ashlin

Jen in Chicago
02-10-2004, 10:15 AM
Jude loves laying on my Boppy and looking at the mirror. We got a Fisher-Price mirror toy like a lizard that he still loves to this day. As he got older he tried to reach for the rings on it. This was the best $10 spent!

I had the odd child who LOVED tummy time. At daycare they were concerned b/c he would get mad when they put him on his back.

02-10-2004, 11:14 AM
We put the dog in down/stay just out of reach of DD. DD then "stalks" her from her stationary position on the floor. This is about the only way I can get her to stay on her tummy for any length of time without screaming.
Some day, the dog will forgive me.
DD born 7/03

02-10-2004, 11:18 AM
I second two of the previous posters: a mirror & you! Our DS loved playing with a mirror, especially one that had some things attached to it. He also loved laying face down on my belly, looking at me, playing with me, listening to me sing to him and talk to him! You can also read books that way. Lay next to him with a book in front of both of you. DS also lays on his belly to knock down block towers that I build for him, which entertains him for several minutes. Pretty much anything you can think to do on the floor to entertain him will help. Even if he doesn't play with it himself, if he can watch you, it will distract him. Push a ball to him, play a xylophone for him, push trucks around in front of him, etc. These are all things DS watches while on is belly before moving on.

02-10-2004, 03:26 PM
I think this is so funny! Did you get a picture?

02-10-2004, 04:01 PM
thanks for your replies. we do have the Lamaze mirror which he still enjoys (not so much on his tummy), and the exersaucer for short periods of time. He hates being on his tummy, but is tolerating it quite a bit more now.

will try toys with the mirror. any other suggestions?

02-10-2004, 05:59 PM
Yes, but it doesn't quite capture the growing concern in the dog's eyes as DD grunts and squirms, one hand outstretched for the sole purpose of grabbing fur.

DD born 7/03

August Mom
02-10-2004, 06:49 PM
Well, DS hated being on his tummy. The only toy that kept his attention during tummy time was the Playskool Tummy Time Picture Show. His also liked spinning the items on the front of the toy after he could sit. We did not use this toy for a really extended period of time, but it did the trick for helping with tummy time.


02-10-2004, 08:20 PM
I'd recommend finding a toy that has things she naturally likes. For example, Mirielle loved lights. So we got her Playskool 2-in-1 Tummy Time. That worked better than the mirror or any other toy we tried. Bonus - it's not too annoying when set at the quieter level. :)

Helen & Mirielle 2/25/03