View Full Version : Chicco Mamma - How do we know what year it made? What are the differences ...

02-29-2004, 01:03 AM
After searching the website, I found many Chicco Mamma high chairs that are on sale now. How do we know if one is 2004 (or 2003, 2002..)version?

What are the differences between the deluxe & regular versions?

03-01-2004, 01:33 PM
I don't know the years (my CM is older) but I do know that until about 2000 they were making the chairs with flat trays and pegs to hang them on the back. Then there was a year where they made the same chair without pegs on the back. If you get this chair you can call customer service and they will send you a new chair with pegs OR an activity tray, your choice.

The year after that they had the same chair with the activity/puzzle tray. Apparently the activity tray is too heavy to hang on the back of the chair but they removed the pegs one model year early. So I'm guessing this would be the 2002 model.

As for what comes after that I'm not sure. Sorry!

03-02-2004, 09:51 PM
If you are looking at one in person, there is a sticker underneath the seat that says when the chair was made. If you are dealing with a store online, they should be able to tell you the manufacture date.

03-02-2004, 10:08 PM
Thank you for your reply.

I did all my shopping online & none of them has the manufacture date(year) listed. But the most expensive ones are described as "Chicco Mamma high chair with activity tray", so I guess it's the newest version. Still I don't know if 2004 models are out yet. Maybe I just have to call them & ask.