View Full Version : UPDATED POST;:ANOTHER UPDATE; follow up from Debbie

04-25-2004, 11:47 AM
I just got this from Debbie:
NOTE: More than 80 orders have been made, this is way way way bigger than we ever thought it would be...so the time it is taking has overwhelmed her, though her attitude is shining and she seems fine with it but I know she is exhausted with this and the store opening. Also this is not just trikes this time so probably even more overwheling
SHE DOES NOT WANT ANYONE EMAILING HER TO SEE IF SHE GOT THEIR ORDER!!!! She is going to email me when she is done with calls and at that time if you were not called then she will take your order assuming there was a problem....
Please be assured she is probably one of the most organized folks I have ever met so I am almost certain we will all be impressed that we'll get a call and all will be perfect.
I would bet my last penny that we are dealing with the perfect person to handle such a sale I promise!!!!

Here is her email...

Hey!!! Big favor? Could you please post on the boards, if you have not already, for people not to e-mail me asking if I received their order? A few other people have and it just takes time to write to them all that I did receive their order. If you want I can let you know when I am done calling and we can wait one full day so that if someone did order and I did not get it they can let me know. I don't mind if they e-mail about other questions though!!! I have a few that I am checking on things for and talking back and forth with. Please let them know that this is fine it is just the ones that are asking if I received their order.

04-26-2004, 02:17 PM
Neve, I didn't see the latest update b/f I e-mailed her, I hopr it's okay. After reading your post this w/e about trying to get a hold of us, I e-mailed her when I would be in the office & when I would be at home. I hope she doesn't mind.

I have no problem waiting until June, Nolan's b-day is not until the end of July. I just don't want Debbie or Dan getting frustrated trying to reach us all.

Christy, mommy to Nolan 7/22/03

04-26-2004, 04:01 PM
