View Full Version : high chair help - my sons arm gets stuck between the chair and the tray

11-11-2004, 09:02 AM
We have the Baby Trend high chair and just recently my son started to complain and I would find his arm stuck in the space between the tray and the blue part on the arm of the chair.


Has anyone had this happen to them? Can someone recomend another high chair that does not have this design problem? One without a gap between the tray and the chair?



11-11-2004, 09:04 AM
It sounds like you don't have the tray pushed in all the way. If our try is completely pushed in, there's only a tiny space between the tray and seat.

Check the position of your tray.


11-11-2004, 09:16 AM
I think my son is doing this on purpose so he is looking for the gap. I am just woried that one day he will get hurt from getting his arm pulled out or something. Plus I don't mind buying him a new high chair. We have gotten a lot of use out of this one.


11-11-2004, 09:49 AM
I would take him shopping with you and "road test" the different high chairs in person.

It sounds like he might be big enough for even a booster?


11-11-2004, 01:34 PM
My DS does this in his FP Healthy Care Deluxe...and like you said - he seems to do it on purpose! Actually, now that you mention it, I think we *might* be past it at our house (knocking on wood) as he hasn't done it in a couple of weeks. My solution is to roll up a towel and jam it in the gap, and that seems to do the trick for us. Oddly enough he only does it on one side...go figure!

11-11-2004, 03:04 PM
Thanks everyone. Yes my son only does it only with his right arm and I thought of putting something there like a piece of foam or a towel to cover the gap but was not sure if it would work. Anyway maybe its off to find a new high chair for him. I doubt he would try anything when we are at the store though. Probably not until we got it home. I am going to try him in my sons new kinderzeat and see how well he sits in it. He is 13 months old so maybe we could wait another 5 months and then switch him straight to the kinderzeat. Do they still sell the ones with baby bars? I remember some store in England that did ship them to America with the baby bar attachement but don't remember all the details.

Thanks Jessica.